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The School of Electrical Engineering successfully held the fourth phase of PowerX TALKS Interest Exchange Sharing Meeting
Release time: May 13, 2024 17:39    Author: Figure/Song Zhenwen/Li Lizhen, Zhao Changwang    点击:[]

 May 10,"Stimulate love in interest,Thought Lighting the Future "The theme of the Fourth Phase II Pop PowerX TALKS Interesting and Sharing Conference of the Fourth Phase III was successfully held in the lecture hall on the fourth floor of the Electricity Building,Song Jiping, Director of the Graduate Office of the College attended the event and delivered a speech。The event is hosted by Zhao Ziyuan, an academic science and technology innovation center。



After independent registration and preliminary selection,This event is Wang Yanrun, a graduate student of class 2022,2023 Master Graduate Liu Yi、Song Zhiyu and Zhang Qi four students brings wonderful interests to everyone。

Liu Yi uses the theme of "Open the third eye that discovers the beauty -shuttle between light and shadow",From "Target Photography"、"Meet the most beautiful SDU" and "Measure the World with the Step in the World" to share your views on photography。Share through Liu Yi,Students not only have a new understanding of the skills and knowledge of photography,I also know how to feel life with my heart、Discover the importance of beauty with your eyes。At the same time,Liu Yi also gives you a good wish,I hope everyone can record life in their own way,Share the touch in life。


Wang Yanrun from "Trust Parameters" and "Image Mixing Effect",Exit the students introduced to the students how to improve the beauty of photos through later processing,Take the common scene in life and travel as an example to display the effect,Share parameter settings of how to modify photo correction,Save the "waste film"。The students not only learned how to correctly adjust the color and light and shadow of the photo,It also appreciated the charm of later treatment。


Song Zhiyu takes the theme of "I pretend to know how to understand movies",Introduce the definition of the movie、How to appreciate a movie、Movie -related professional terms and how to try to write your own film review。"Wandering Earth"、"Green Paper" and other classic movies as examples,Song Zhiyu introduced to you how to understand the story behind the movie and the movie from an easy -going perspective,Expanded students' vision。


Last,Zhang Qi takes the "Singing Skills Sharing Conference" as the theme,Introduce how to achieve the sound of the cavity when singing,Make sure the bite is clear and how to fully express emotions。Carefully designed vocal training link,Stimulated the interests of the students present。She also shared with you personal singing experience,and put forward some small suggestions for vocal learning,with a view to help students improve their singing level。


In the interactive question session,The students showed great interest,Ecstatic speech、Ecstatic speech。Several speakers made detailed answers to students' questions,Bring deeper inspiration for each student here。


Song Jiping's summary speech,He first expressed his gratitude and praise for the wonderful sharing of the speaker,and summarized it in conjunction with the content of the intercom,Encourage everyone to insist on interest in busy academics,Labor and Yi combination。Four lecturers came to the stage to receive certificates and gifts and took a group photo,Leave a good memory for this exchange and share,The activity ended successfully in warm applause。

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