Introduction to the College
Introduction to the School of Electrical Engineering


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Discipline for Electrical Engineering of Shandong University officially started in 1946。College has a glorious history,Shao Hongyi、Hou Boyuan、Hu Songyao、Ma Changgui and other well -known scholars and professors here coach,For the past 80 years,College training tens of thousands of talents,All areas of electrical engineering at home and abroad。Shi Dazhen, Minister of the Ministry of Electricity,Former Chairman of the State Grid Corporation、Liu Zhenya, former Chairman of the Global Energy Internet Development Cooperation Organization,Academician Xue Yusheng of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,A large number of outstanding graduates represented by the academician house of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,For the development of the country's power energy industrymade important contributions.

The college has the right to grant the doctoral degree of the first -level discipline of electrical engineering and the post -doctoral research flow station of electrical engineering,Have a bachelor's degree in engineering、Master of Engineering/Engineering、PhD in Engineering/Engineering/Engineering and Poor Political Talent Training System,Formed the operation and control of the DC power grid、New energy power generation efficient grid、permanent magnet motor、High -voltage insulation and plasma discharge theory and applications with distinctive scientific research directions。own power system and its automation (national key cultivation discipline and key discipline in Shandong Province)、Electric and Electric (key discipline in Shandong Province)、Electric Electronics and Electric Transmission、High voltage and insulation technology、5 complete second -level disciplines of electrical theory and new technologies。Among them,It is the first batch of "Excellent Engineers Training Plan" implementation unit,The first batch of first -class professional construction in 2019。Current,More than 1,200 undergraduate students at the college,More than 680 graduate students。

The college has the Institute of Electricity Systems、Research Institute of Relay Protection、Electrical and Electrical Research Institute、Institute of Electronics and Electric Power Transmission、Institute of Electrician Theory and New Technology、High voltage and insulation Technology Research Institute、Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Research Institute。own "Electric Vehicle Power Network Access Technology" National Local Joint Engineering Lab,"Intelligent scheduling and control of the power grid" key laboratory,"Global Energy Internet" Shandong Provincial Demonstration Innovation Center,"UHV Transfer Transformer Technology and Equipment" Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory,“permanent magnetElectric "" Magnetic Sorting ""Magnetic Suspension Bearing"3A Shandong Provincial Engineering Technology Center,"Electrician Electronic Experimental Teaching" National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center。and China Huadian Group、State Power Investment Group Co., Ltd.2National Engineering Education Practice Center.

160 faculty and staff of the college,Among them, 120 full -time teachers,102 people with a doctorate degree,Professor 46 people,Deputy Senior Title 53 people,47 doctoral supervisors。4 people with full -time/part -time academicians、National special expert、National Four Qing、"Taishan Scholars" specially -appointed professor and other high -level talents 26 people、IEEE FELLOW 3 people。College and Manchester Wheels in the United Kingdom,Danish University of Science and Technology,Virginia University of Science and Technology, USA、Tennessee State University、Texas State University,University of Munich, Germany、Berlin University of Technology,Singapore Nanyang University of Technology and other more than ten schools have established long -term close cooperation。Nearly 20 people serve as ieee、IET and the editor -in -chief of domestic well -known academic journals、Deputy Editor and Editorial Member。

College insists on academic frontiers、Facing major national needs、Facing the main battlefield of Shandong National Economy,"Build the laboratory on the land of Shandong",Comprehensive integration into Shandong Smart Grid Equipment、New Energy Vehicle、Special electromagnetic equipment and other industrial chain development,Empowerment Shandong scientific and technological innovation development,Key support for key technology、Key leadership in the frontier direction,Cooperating with State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company to co -build the "Global Energy Internet Collaborative Innovation Center"、"Smart Fair Network Technology Center"、"Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Inspection Center",A number of electrical machine companies in Zibo and Zibo Municipal Government co-established "Shandong University-Zibo Advanced Electric Technology Research Institute","Shandong University-Haier Smart Energy Joint Laboratory" with Haier Group in Qingdao Haier,"Shandong University-Zhaoyuan New Energy Vehicle Research Institute" with Shandong Alum Automobile and Yantai Zhaoyuan City Government。By walking out of the campus and cooperating with the enterprise,Taking the project demonstration site as the laboratory,Critical technical problems of accurately grasping the needs of corporate and "card neck",greatly improved the scientific research of the college、Talent training and service Shandong results。

For the past 10 years,College publishing monograph、Translation、Textbooks and 50 units,Published more than 3,000 papers in high -level journals at home and abroad,Authorized State/International invention patent more than 200 pieces。Undertaking National Plan 973、863 Plan、More than 20 items such as technology support plan,6 national science and technology awards,6 national science and technology awards,The technological achievements converted more than 10 million yuan,Has made a significant contribution to my country's economic development and social progress。



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