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At the School of Electrical Engineering, the "Megtong Sky Cup" teachers and student badminton games
Release time: May 06, 2024 11:48    Author: Wen/Gao Wenbo Ge Xiaoxue Picture/Shen'ao    点击:[]

  In order to thoroughly implement the series of important instructions of General Secretary Jinping's series of important instructions on the construction of a sports power,,Inheritance of mountain sports tradition,Rich campus culture and sports activities,Enhance the cultivation and exercise of the cooperation of the students of our college,April 27th-28th,At the School of Electrical Engineering, the "Megtong Sky Cup" teachers and student badminton games。There are professional teachers in this competition、Counselor、More than 100 graduate students participated,Players show a high level of competition and indomitable hard work,Unforgettable。They may be light like wind,or like a thunderbolt,Every wave is full of strength and beauty,Bring a wonderful visual feast to the audience。

  This competition is divided into men's singles、Women's bills、Men's Double、Five items of women's doubles and mixed doubles。The contestants do their best,Sweating sweat on the court,Not only do you have to face the fierce confrontation on the field,Also overcome your own tension and pressure,constantly adjusting your own state,Find the flaws of the opponent,Strive to seize the opportunity at a critical moment。They move quickly、Flexible transformation,or swinging and hitting the ball,or quickly save,With excellent physical fitness、Smooth technology and rich experience,shows an amazing level of competition。Every time the ball is full of strength and speed,Each rescue is full of agility and wisdom。The audience is also infected by the atmosphere of competitive sports,Deeply experienced the charm of exercise。

       After fierce competition,Wang Mengxue won the women's singles champion,Gu Qianshuo won the men's singles champion,Gao Wenhao and Liu Yongpeng won the men's doubles champion,Lin Xiang、Zhai Yuhui won the women's doubles champion,Lin Xiang and Chen Xu won the mixed doubles champion。After the game,The closing ceremony of the badminton game and the awards ceremony was held at the Badminton Hall of the South Foshan South Courtyard。Song Sili, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University,Song Jiping, Director of the Graduate Office of the School of Electrical Engineering,Wang Tengyi and other leaders and guests from the planning department of Shandong Megtong Sky Electric Co., Ltd. attended the closing ceremony and presented awards to the winning teams and individuals,The game is successfully concluded。


  This badminton game is not only a feast of competition,More fully demonstrated the positive style of the graduate students of the School of Electrical,Promoting the development of sports aesthetic education culture in the college。Future,The college will build a more diverse teacher -student sports platform,Promote teacher -student communication,To players,Encourage teachers and students to strengthen their physique through sports activities,Create teachers and students harmonious、Unity、A good atmosphere of hard work。

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