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School of Electrical Engineering holds "release pressure and comfort、Love Peace "Psychological Health Lecture
Release time: April 29, 2024 17:17    Author: Picture: Gu Zongqi: Wang Yilin, Zhang Chengbo    点击:[]

 In order to actively respond to the relevant requirements of the "24th Psychological Health Education Publicity Month" of Shandong University,The School of Electrical Engineering was held on April 25Interpretation of pressure comfort, love peersGraduate mental health lecture。This event aims to further enhance the mental health consciousness of graduate students,Promoting physical and mental health,escort for learning and life。The college invites the student's mental health promotion center director、Deputy Chief Physician of the Shandong Provincial Mental Health Center Yang Nan as a guest speaker,Song Jiping, Director of the Graduate Office, attended the event,Part of the student representatives of the college attended。

杨楠以“Interpretation of pressure comfort, love peers”为主题,The concept of psychology、Common psychological counseling cases、Common psychological counseling technology、Significance to face growth、Establishing five aspects of target and value to students science in science psychology,Guide students to learn to relieve anxiety、Release pressure reasonably、Gradually accept yourself。

Question interactive link,Students present enthusiastically,Ask the content of the lecture and the confusion I encountered, ask Teacher Yang,Teacher Yang patiently answers the questions raised by the students,Recommended the relevant ways of psychological counseling for students。

Time Capsule link,Student who wrote a letter to himself a year later,Tell the current troubles,Look forward to the dream of the future。

Song Jiping's summary speech。He first expressed his welcome and thanks to Yang Nan's arrival,Summary of the content of the lecture。He expressed his hope that students will learn to accept the book,Following the problem of mental health,Seek help in time when necessary,At the same time, I wish all students while pursuing academic excellence,Maintain a good psychological state。

The activity ended successfully in applause。This lecture helps graduate students to better understand and respond to academics、Stress in life and future career plan,Improve self -psychological adjustment ability,Prevention and solving psychological problems,Promote its physical and mental health development。Future,The college will continue to increase the attention of students' mental health,Lay a solid foundation for students' future academic and career。

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