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The final defense of the 3rd Volunteer Service Project Contest of the School of Electrical Engineering was successfully held
Release time: May 28, 2024 11:46    Author: Text/Wang Jincu/Electrical Youth Association    点击:[]

  May 21,The 3rd Answear Contest of the School of Electrical Engineering is held in Xinglongshan Teaching Building。This time, there is a counselor Xu Fangzhou, a counselor at the School of Electrical Engineering,、Teacher Teng Dan, a counselor at the School of Electrical Engineering, Grade 2023、Teacher Sun Fengzhan, Counselor of the School of Electrical Engineering, Grade 2021,Representative of Qing Zhilian、Youth Association of College、Volunteer Service Organization and other more than 20 student judges attended the defense meeting。

  14 class student representatives from the first intention of the event within the specified time、Holding form、Organization、Event response and other aspects about the development of the event。

  For different forms of consumer activities,The judges have given personalized opinions。Teacher Xu Fangzhou gives guidance from the professionalism and practicality of the activity; Teng Dan suggested that each class uses the influence of network communication activities,Make the volunteer spirit more and more deeper; Teacher Sun Fengzhan from the persistence of the activity,Perspective of the influence of activity to the influence of activity gives suggestions; the student judges are safe,Organicly put forward your own opinions and opinions,Make improvement opinions on the lack of activity in docking and resource management。After the defense link is over,Each class has a better understanding of the advantages and deficiencies of the activities carried out in this class,Lay the foundation for better activities for the future。

  After the volunteer statistics score for each class,The host reads the list of winning classes and please take a photo with the representatives of the award -winning class with the judges。After the awards ceremony is over,Teacher Sun Feng Zhan summarized and look forward to this volunteer activity。Teacher Sun Fengzhan affirmed the flash point of volunteer services in each class -diverse forms,Rich in content,A significant effect,He encourages everyone to enhance the top -level design,Add cross -college communication and construction,Event development should actively cooperate with official platforms such as students to expand the influence。

  The third volunteer competition ushered in a complete end in the defense meeting,Participating classes have given full play to the spirit of innovation in the volunteer competition,Many excellent volunteer service projects have been carried out。This year's service contest establishes a bridge between the students of the mountain students and the social volunteer service,Encourage students to join the ranks of volunteer services。

Previous:At the School of Electrical Engineering, the "Integrity Shopping Test" theme class meeting in class 2023 Next:Shandong University Xinglongshan Campus unpaid blood donation activity was successfully held


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