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Shandong University Xinglongshan Campus unpaid blood donation activity was successfully held
Release time: May 28, 2024 11:03    Author: Text/Zhou Lin Tu/Electrical Youth Association    点击:[]

  May 13th to May 16th, 2024,Shandong University Xinglongshan Campus "Hot Blood Change Caring,Drop of True Love "" Blood donation activities for free blood donation site held at the south gate of Xinyuan。This event is hosted by the Youth Volunteer Association of the School of Electrical Engineering of Shandong University,The joint efforts of medical staff and volunteers are successfully carried out。

  Full preparations in the early period,Blood donation activity is carried out in an orderly manner,Students have come to consult and register blood donation。Activity site,Blood donor first came to the blood donation site,Fill in the questionnaire under the guidance of volunteers、Entry information、Measure blood pressure。Students who are nervous in the face of the first blood donation,Volunteers will patiently help the blood donor to relax,Explain the process of blood donation in detail,Blood donation station medical staff also pays attention to the physical condition of blood donors while taking blood,Existing some precautions after blood donation。After the blood collection work is completed,Volunteers will provide sugar water to the blood donation students,Replenish water and energy,After the classmates take a break, let the classmates sign for and participate in the lottery,Receive Dolls。Last,Volunteers hand over the printed blood donation certificate to the corresponding classmates。

  This blood donation activity has been carried out for four days,Blood donors' selfless dedication spirit、The busy figure of the volunteer and the staff of the staff deeply in the minds of the students,Blood donation volunteers and staff also received high evaluation of blood centers and teachers and students of our school。

  Blood donation for free is the public welfare undertaking that volunteers dedicate their blood selflessly to society,I am self -denial、The lofty behavior of saving the wounded is,Reflected "I am everyone,The dedication spirit of everyone for me。This blood donation activity enhanced the sense of social responsibility of college students,Improving the awareness of dedication of students,Call for Master Shan as a medium with blood donation,Build a mountain adult and society、different ways connected to the blood of the motherland,Internalizing the dedication to the heart、Externalization,Endless forgiveness,Contribute youthful power!

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