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Student organizational function group branch of the School of Electrical Engineering to carry out theme group day activities
Release time: May 28, 2024 10:57    Author: graphic/Li Siyuan    点击:[]

  In order to fully implement Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Promoting the important content of the grassroots group member system,World View of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics、Methods internalization in the heart、Externalization,May 20th,The School of Electrical Engineering carried out the theme group day activities of student organizational functional group branches at 814。The event is chaired by Si Haodong, secretary of the Youth League branch。At the meeting,Members of the participating group are excited,Share the experience of recent learning and experience。

  Si Haodong said,As a student cadre,Remember the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping in the important message of the May 4th Fourth Fourth.,Be firm in ideals and beliefs,Cultivate patriotic feelings,Enhance innovation ability,Yongmo Time Pioneer,Welfare for the majority of students,Guide the majority of students to establish the correct patriotic feelings,Contribute to the construction of a socialist modern power。

  Member of the League Branch Tao Hongming said,The important message from General Secretary Xi Jinping made himself deeply appreciate the mission of the era of young people,I will also follow the party and go,Based on the diversification of adolescents、Multi -level development requirements,Follow the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping.、Striving for the first time,Practice with actual actions "Please rest assured、The youth oath of the strong country ",To promote the modernization of Chinese -style modernization to show the responsibility and strength of the youth。

  Member of the Youth League branch Shi Yang talked about,At the time of the May 4th Youth Festival this year,General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a saying that the youth "strives to write as a Chinese -style modern chapter of youth" ",Contemporary youth should inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May 4th,Dare to work hard,Requisitions,In the great cause of promoting national rejuvenation,Show youthful style。

  Deng Zhihan, a member of the League Branch, said,May 4th Wind Thunder,Centennial excitement,​​At the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, this historical moment with special significance,General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important speech,Deep memory of the lofty patriotic feelings and revolutionary spirit of the May 4th Pioneer,Deeply explain the historical significance and value of the era of the May 4th Movement,Revisiting the passion burning years ago for the young people,provides a guide to better promotion of the May Fourth spirit and the guide to action。

  Member of the League Branch Dong Mengna Talking,General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out that there is only one youth in his life: Now,Youth is used for struggle; future,Youth is used for memories。As a new era youth,We want to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May 4th,firmly listening to the party、Go with the party,Fighting for ideals、Dare to take responsibility、Can suffer hard、A new era of willing to struggle。

  Member of the League Branch Zhong Yunchu said,Youth from sharpening,Life is sublimated due to struggle,As a youth of the new era,We must have a firm ideal belief,and integrate the ideals of life into the cause of the country and the nation,Look at the main battlefield of poverty alleviation in the distance,Young people are the mainstay,They brought the dawn of life for the people with sweat and responsibility,Together with my hometown into a dream place。

  Member of the League Branch Zhang Minghui said,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,The majority of young people must inherit and carry forward the spirit of the May 4th,firmly listening to the party、Go with the party,Fighting for ideals、Dare to take responsibility、Can suffer hard、A new era of willing to struggle,In promoting the construction of a strong country、Showing Youth as a national rejuvenation industry、show the youthful style、Contributing youth forces,Struggling to write as a Chinese -style modern chapter of youth chapter。Young people should be guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics,Ideal、Yong Ying Ying Relief,To me with youth、I am struggling for the construction of a strong country、The great cause of national rejuvenation contributes the youth power。

  Member of the League Branch Li Siyuan said,Youth ideal is big、Faith firm,Is a country、A nation's indestructible forward motivation。Division of General Secretary Xi Jinping further strengthened the determination of the majority of young people and the party,Young people should unswervingly listen to the party、The party's walking into thought and consciousness,The most loyal supporter of the party、The most firm follower。

  Fighting with the party,Treating youth,Let youth be rejuvenated in the Chinese style modernization。This theme group day activity promoted the construction of student organizational functional group branches,Enhanced mutual communication between members,Cultivated the consciousness of unswervingly follow the party of grassroots groups,Encourage students to put their youth in the great practice of socialist modernization。

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