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Notice of the first batch of innovative talents in the energy field of 2024 in the field of carbon neutralization and energy in the energy field
Release time: January 05, 2024 16:28    Author:    点击:[]

Our school is a member of the cooperative group of carbon neutralization and energy universities,Now our hospital can organize the pre -reporting report of qualified personnel"International Cooperation Training Project in Innovation Talent in the field of carbon neutrality and energy"

I. Project information

"International Cooperation Training Project in the Innovation Talent in the Carcan and Energy Field" was jointly established by 13 domestic energy -related colleges and universities.,Cooperate with 7 foreign units to select outstanding doctoral students and scholars in China for joint training and access to exchange,It aims to focus on the advantages of colleges and universities in the field of carbon neutralization,Cultivate innovative leaders in the field of energy cross -disciplinary in the field of carbon -oriented and strategic goals。The number of international cooperation training projects for the first batch of carbon neutralized talents in 2024 is as follows。

For details, please refer to "Annex 1: Notice on the Application of the first batch of international cooperation training projects in the field of carbon neutrality in 2024"。


2. Selection category and requirements

(1) Joint training doctoral graduate students:Study abroad period is 6-24 months,Must be a full -time of the school's full -time doctoral students,Age no more than 35 years old (born after January 1, 1988),If the applicant is a masterpiece for a masterpiece,You must apply after entering the PhD stage。

(2) Visiting scholars:Study abroad period is 3-12 months,Must be a formal staff of the school,Age no more than 50 years old (born after January 1, 1973),After undergraduate graduation, there should be more than 5 years of work experience,After graduating from a master's degree, there should be more than 2 years of work experience,Applicants who have graduated from doctoral degree have no working life requirements。

(3) Senior researcher:Study abroad period is 3-6 months,Must be a formal staff of the school,Age no more than 55 years old (born after January 1, 1968),Has achieve outstanding performance in actual work,Where,Teaching and researchers should have a positive high -level professional titles or doctoral supervisors,Priority to support the main person in charge of the "double first -class" construction discipline、or national key teaching or scientific research project、or the main person in charge of teaching or scientific research platforms above the ministerial level (inclusive)、or the first prize winner of teaching or scientific research awards above the ministerial level (inclusive); administrative personnel shall have administrative positions at the deputy department level (inclusive)。

3, pre -reporting method

Please fill in "Annex 2: [Pre-Report] Name-Carbon Neutralized Talent International Cooperation Cultivation Project",And before 23:59 on January 10 (based on receiving the mail time), send it to the mailbox:, no applications are not accepted for overdue.

Contact number: 88399417.


1. Notice of the first batch of international cooperation in the field of innovative talents in the energy field of 2024

2. [Pre-Report] Name-Carbon neutralized innovative talent international cooperation training project   

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