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Decision on recognizing the winner of the 2023 Academy of Evaluation Scholarship
Release time: January 24, 2024 09:25    Author:    点击:[]

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Depending on the "Notice of the School of Electrical Engineering on the Social Scholarship Selection Campaign" requirements,Personal declaration of graduate students、Class selection、College review,Determined 46 graduate students such as Sun Mingxin、Zhai Yang and other 57 undergraduates won the college evaluation scholarship,Let's notify and commend。The winning list is as follows:

Xue Yusheng Scholarship Graduate5People Sun Mingxin, Wang Mengxue, Feng Yan, Huang Xiaoli, Ma Yuexin
Undergraduate5People Zhai Yang, Sun Xiaofei, Wang Jiyu, Sun Ke, Wang Jinwen
UHV Scholarship Undergraduate11People Lou Keheng、Wang Haoyu、Ginger Store Feng、Li Junheng、Wang Haoyu、Li Yige、Wang Ke Sheng、Wang Yanhui、Wang Yanhui, Wang Xinhao, Zhong Yunchu
Xintong Electronic Scholarship Graduate15People Li Xian、Yin Yafei、Song Guo Cheng、Correct document、Li Menglin、Liang Kunjie、Wang Rundong、Wang Qian、Yang Yihang、Gao Yu、Lu Baoqi、Guo Peixin、Zhang Guopei、Song Yuanzong、Wang Zichen
Undergraduate5People Cui Chaozheng, Zhang Zhenxin, Xiao Yifan, Hu Zhonglin, Zhao Shibo
Nanrui Jidu Education Fund scholarship Graduate5People Liu Feng, Wang Xiaoji, Zeng Yiming, Song Fujing, Song Shihang
Undergraduate6People Liu Feiyang, Wang Yucheng,Qi Peiheng, Wang Qingguo, Liang Xiaodan,Zhan Zhebin
Light Line Education Fund scholarship Graduate4People Kang Chaoyang, Liu Congcong, Zhang Yongxiang, Liu Naihao
Undergraduate6People Yan Hao、Lin Roujia、Zhang Zhewei、Yu Pingrui、Feng Guanwen、Yin Zixun
Megtongtian Education Fund scholarship Graduate5People Zhao Zheng, Chen Jianlei, Ge Xiaoxue, Nie Kai, Tian Chenglong
Undergraduate7People Lou Zai Geng, Wang Zhenyu, Qiu Jilin,Gu Yuyu, Jin Zhiqi, Chen Yan, Ren Jiahui
Chongshi Power Education Fund scholarship Graduate4People Guan Western, Yin Yiqun, Zhao Shihao, Qi Mu Tao
Undergraduate8People Zhao Yaotian, Li Tinghui,Shi Yang、Huang Kai、Gu Yiheng、Zhang Siying、Feng Jincai、license
Yipu Electric Scholarship Graduate4People Zhang Yuanhe, Li Zhipeng, Liu Yongpeng, Sun Yuhong
Undergraduate4People Yao Jiaqi,Dong Mengna, Li Zhuoyang, Wang Tengxi
Electric Power Jiu Jiu Scholarship Graduate2People Zhao Shuguan, Dong Mingming
Undergraduate2People Sheng Kaiqi, Sun Jialin
Electric Scholarship Scholarship Graduate2People Feng Wenbin, Zhang Hao
Undergraduate3People Zhang Fuquan, Wang Qianwen, Song Wenrui

Students who want to be commended,Cherish Honor,Promoting results,Repeat it,In the future study,Bettering the role of the model better,Get a new greater result。

The Party Committee of the School of Electrical Engineering of the Communist Party of China

School of Electrical Engineering


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