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School of Electrical Engineering held the key laboratory of the Ministry of Education to open topic intermediate academic exchange meeting
Release time: November 16, 2022 09:13    Author: Wang Guangrui    点击:[]

11month11Day,Opening topic of the "Intelligent Schedule of Power Grid and Control of the Ministry of Education" in the School of Electrical Engineering "。This forum activity is sponsored by the School of Electrical Engineering,Vice Dean Ye Hua speech,Professor Li Zhengshuo、Professor Wang Hongtao、Professor Zhao Wenliang、Associate Professor Zhang Feng and Associate Professor Shi Xiaohan chaired。The meeting focuses on economic scheduling around the modern power system、Electric energy transformation and renewable energy connection、Power grid security defense and intelligent recovery decision -making and wide -area protection and intelligent fault information system to communicate。

Experts participating in the exchange meeting this time are open topics15Person in charge。Report experts shared the research progress and achievements of the topic assumed by each,and introduced the next work plan。Current,The progress of various topics is smooth,The person in charge of each project has completed the mid -term plan in the mission book,I have achieved some phased results。

At the meeting,Report experts and college teachers to fully discuss,Report experts introduced the latest cutting -edge technology in various fields to the college teachers,The college teacher also provides many guiding opinions on each topic。Through research and exchange,Promoting information sharing and ideological collision,Strengthen the exchange between the person in charge of the project and the college,Lapts a good foundation for the optimization of research ideas and in -depth cooperation。During the communication process,Experts have also put forward many constructive opinions,It also provides ideas for optimizing the management measures of the laboratory。This mid -term academic exchanges have set up a good scientific research exchange platform,It helps to deepen the scientific research work between teachers inside and outside the school、Enhance the academic connection between various topics,It provides a strong guarantee for the subsequent development of the subject。

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