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About the holding 2022 2nd energy、Notice of the International Conference of Electricity and Electric Engineering
Release time: November 10, 2022 14:58    Author:    点击:[]

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To thoroughly implement the Party Central Committee、The State Council's "Carbon Dafeng、Carbon neutralization "major strategic decision -making,The field of electrical and energy is to achieve the "carbon peak、Carbon neutralized "target key areas。Under the relevant policies and planning guidance of the national energy structure adjustment,To promote the development and technology application of energy and electrical engineering,Improve my country's energy、The level of manufacturing of power and electrical engineering equipment,Strengthen the exchange between experts and scholars at domestic and foreign energy and electrical engineering。

from the China Electrician Technology Society and International Electric、Electronics and Energy Association (IAEEEEE) Joint hosted,Anhui University、Shandong University、Haixi Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Anhui University of Technology jointly hosted, CoreshareThe 2nd Energy co -organized by the Science and Shake Academic Exchange Center、International Conference of Electricity and Electric Engineering (2022 2nd International Joint Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power EngineeringCoeepe2022)2022year12month19-21Hold in Hefei City。The conference will invite well -known academicians in the discipline of energy and electrical engineering at home and abroad、Experts and scholars,Surround energy、Academic prelude and applications in the fields of electricity and electrical engineering published keynote reports and academic conferences。Experts in the fields of energy and electrical engineering are welcome、Scholar、Researchers participating in the meeting。

I. Forum Organization

The organizer

China Electrician Technology Society (CES

International Electrical, Electronics and Energy Association (IAEEEEE

The organizer

Anhui University

Shandong University

Haixi Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Anhui University of Technology

Conference Honor Chairman:

James L. KirtleyMassachusetts Institute of Technology Professor, academician of the American Academy of Engineering,IEEE LIFE FELLOW

Wang QunjingAnhui University Professor, former executive vice president

Zhang PinjiaTsinghua University Researcher, National Jieqing

VOLKER PICKERTUniversity of Newcastle, UK Professor

Conference Chairman:

Hu CungangAnhui University Professor

Zhang YanbinShandong University Professor

Wang FengxiangHaixi Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Researcher

Zhou MengranAnhui University of Technology Professor

bing jiUniversity of Leicester, England Researcher

Main Report Expert:

Donald Grahame HolmesUniversity of Melbourne, Australia Lifetime professor,IEEE FELLOW

Ron Hui—— Singapore Nanyang University of Technology Professor, Academician of the Royal Institute of Engineering,IEEE FELLOW

Patrick. Luk Professor

Hu Family Bing -Huazhong University of Science and Technology Professor, National Jieqing,IET FELLOW

two, Forum schedule


09: 00-17: 00 On -site registration, personnel reception


09: 00-09: 15 Open speech

09: 15-10: 00 Main Report

10: 00-10: 30 A rest in the meeting&A photo of all participants

10: 30-12: 00 Main Report

12: 00-13: 00 Lunch

13: 00-15: 00 Special invited report+On -site author oral report&Online Report

15: 00-15: 30 A rest in the meeting&Poster display

15: 30-18: 30 On -site author oral report& Online Report

18: 30-19: 30 Dinner


09: 00-11: 30 On -site author oral report & Online Report

11: 30-12: 00 Awards ceremony&Closing ceremony

12: 00-13: 00 Lunch

13: 00-18: 00 Visit and visit

Note: The specific schedule of the conference and the conference project album is based on the final version of the official website of the conference。

3, Meeting location

Hefei Binhu International Convention and Exhibition Center

Address: Binhu New District, Binhu New District, Baohe District, Hefei City, Anhui Province3899number

Four, Conference registration method

Please attend the official website of the meeting (,or scan the QR code below to register and submit the participation information。

Five, Conference Consultation

Contact: Teacher Huang


Consultation Tel:18108159229


School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University


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