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The Smart Grid Technology and Equipment Team of our hospital organized a series of training lectures on "Paradigm of Scientific Research"
Release time: January 19, 2023 19:33    Author: Liu Chunyang Zhang Jian    点击:[]

To strengthen team construction,Further improve the scientific research and innovation ability of graduate students,and enhance the teacher -student interaction of the "long holiday",Smart Grid Technology and Equipment Team during the return and winter vacation,organized a series of training lectures for the "Paradigm of Scientific Research"。This training takes the form of an online meeting,Organization of Teacher Liu Chunyang,Professor Zhang Hengxu chaired and served as the speaker,A total of 6 lectures were held before the year; according to the plan,Lectures of about 6 times after the year。

The first lecture "The change of scientific research paradigm and thinking" was held on December 29, 2022,Speaking from Mr. Zhang Hengxu,What is a scientific paradigm、The change of scientific paradigm,In -depth analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence technology on the scientific research paradigm,The system analyzes the breakthrough of AlphaGo on iteration convergence issues、Alphafold's change of structural biology research paradigm、Alphatensor found the most efficient matrix multiplication in 50 years,and ChatGPT content generation technology of the subversion of traditional search technology in recent years in the field of artificial intelligence,Analysis of the scientific research paradigm in the field of power system analysis will be a big change with the development of artificial intelligence technology,It is recommended that you pay attention to the study of scientific philosophy and scientific methodology,Lile of scientific literacy of transformational innovation。

Lecture on the "Paradigm of Science and Technology Paper" on January 3,Teacher Zhang talked about the experience of writing academic papers with himself,Analysis of thesis writing from the perspective of "paradigm",Introduction to the architectural paradigm of the "Six Six Six Six" academic papers,Analysis of the topic、Summary、Introduction、Micro structures such as the text and conclusions,Summary "Six Sentences" Abstract、"Six Paragraph" Introduction、"Six parts" text、Typical structural paradigm of "two paragraphs and six sentences" conclusions,Elaborated the paradigm writing of academic papers in "Talking about specific content in a specific place",Direct help for graduate academic writing quickly。

The third lecture "Graduate Scientific Research Paradigm" was held on January 5,Teacher Zhang further summarizes and analyzes graduate students from the perspective of the "paradigm" perspective、Summary Report and other daily scientific research work。Emphasize the relationship between "educational carrier", "results output" and "project association" in the implementation of scientific research projects,Take the scientific research project as a carrier for graduate training,8873_8923,and get the task、Feedback Report、Reading literature、Analysis of the paradigm of organizational management documents and code,helps graduate students to establish the "process" concept、Improve the efficiency of scientific research。

Lectures on the fourth "Large Science and Technology DocumentWORD use "was held on January 9,Teacher Zhang introduced the automation technology provided by Word to improve the writing efficiency of large -scale technology documents,Focus on the multi -level title style modification and application、Directory generation and page number management、Automatic number of charts and formulas、Fonts and paragraph format specifications and other content,and provide the team with the corresponding word template,Can be used directly for degree thesis writing、Project Science and Technology Report and other large -scale technology documents。

Lectures on the fifth "use of Zotero literature management software" was held on January 13,In order to enhance the participation of graduate students in team development、A sense of accomplishment and belonging,Invitation 2023Graduate Graduates Gao Zhimin take ZOTERO as an example,Introduction of Literature Management Tools in Literature、Reference reference quotation and notes management,and combined with commonly used scenes to demonstrate the common functions and techniques of software,Improving the cognition of academic tools for students' students。

Lecture 6 "Science and Technology Paper illustration drawing paradigm" was held on January 16,Teacher Zhang analyzed the academic illustration structure and elements,and systematically introduced the scientific and technological papers illustrations in professionalism、Aesthetic、Self -explicit、Format requirements and drawing skills in compliance and other aspects,Then use the excellent illustrations of Nature and Science Journal as an example to further explain the drawing paradigm of science and technology papers,A common misunderstanding of drawing and errors that are easy to make,Take Matplotlib as an example,Code examples to control the details of the drawing,Help graduate students to strengthen the cognition of academic articles illustrations、Systematic improvement of science and technology papers plug in drawing level。

This series of training lectures are targeted at the improvement of scientific literacy in graduate training、Working process specification、Basic academic tools and other common problems,Teachers and students participating in the conference strong,means that this training can directly solve the problem、Benefiting a lot,and proposed the content of the desire to learn in a series of follow -up training。The team takes a series of training and exchange as an opportunity,Make an example for the work of holiday education,To create an excellent scientific research team、Enhance the level of education、Realing efforts to improve the ability of science and technology services。

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