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Happy Bao! Two doctoral students in the college were commended by provincial level,Demonstrate the effectiveness of educating people
Release time: June 07, 2024 08:57    Author: Tian Chenglong    点击:[]

Recent,The Education Department of Shandong Province announced the provincial excellent students of Shandong Province in 2023、Collective selection results of outstanding student cadres and advanced classes。Dr. Zhou Chenghan and Wang Mengxue of our college have won the title of outstanding students in Shandong Province and outstanding student cadres in Shandong Province。This honor is not only recognition of their personal efforts and achievements,It is also an affirmation of the college's excellent achievements in graduate ideological education and talent training。

Zhou Chenghan,Grade 2020 Doctor Graduate,Master Professor Zou Guibin,I have won national scholarships、Scholarship of President of Shandong University、Innovation results of graduate students in Shandong Province、Excellent graduates in Shandong Province、Shandong University Excellent Graduate Paper、The first prize of Shandong Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition、Shandong Power Science and Technology Progress Second Prize、Everbright line scholarship, etc.; Published 3 articles in the first author of SCI in the first author、2 papers in SCI 2、Chinese ei journal papers 2 articles,Authorized national invention patents 5 items。

Wang Mengxue,Grade 2021 Doctor Graduate,Master Professor from Zhao Haoran,Now serving as the Secretary of the Third Party Branch of the School of Electrical Engineering、Duan branch secretary。I have won the Model Model Model Award in Shandong University、Excellent student cadres of Shandong University、Outstanding Communist Youth League member of Shandong University、Shandong University Innovation Competition Award;、Samsung Scholarship、First -class academic scholarships at Shandong University doctoral students; won the first prize of the East China Division of the Graduate Electronic Design Competition、The first prize of the Shandong Division of the National College Student Electronic Design Competition; the first author will publish SCI2,Chinese ei journal 3 articles,Authorized national invention patents 2 items。

For a long time,The college insists on paying attention to graduate ideological and political education and comprehensive quality training,It aims to cultivate high -level talents with both talents。The college adopts various forms of ideological and political education activities,Guide students to establish the correct worldview、The outlook on life and values。At the same time,College pays attention to the combination of academic research and practice,Encourage students to innovate in scientific research、Social services and other aspects actively explore,Constantly improving its comprehensive quality。

This time Zhou Chenghan and Wang Mengxue won the honor of outstanding students and outstanding student cadres in Shandong Province,Fully demonstrated the outstanding achievement of the college in the development of graduate ideological and political education and comprehensive quality training。Future,The college will continue to target the high -quality talents that cultivate the comprehensive development of morality, intellectual, physical and labor,,Continuously innovative ideological and political education and talent training mode,Sending more excellent high -level talents for the society。

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