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Wenzhou University School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering visited the School of Electrical Engineering for discussions and exchanges
Release time: June 05, 2024 14:45    Author: Zhang Wangwang    点击:[]

May 31,Wenzhou University School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Dai Yuxing、Deputy Dean Zhu Xiangou、Professor Wu Ping visited our hospital,and discuss exchanges。Ding Lei, Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, chaired the meeting。

Dai Yuxing and his party visited the college's scientific research laboratory with Ding Lei,Understand the dynamic simulation of the power system and the simulation laboratory、An Analysis Research Center of Special High School Grid、Real -time Digital Simulation System (RTDS) laboratory、New Technology Laboratory of Paper Protection、Economic operation laboratory and other equipment conditions and experimental environments,and the construction layout and research results of the laboratory。

Subsequent,Ding Lei introduced the history of the college to Dai Yuxing and his party、Development status and future development direction and goals。Ding Lei said,The college will give full play to the advantages of electrical disciplines,Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Wenzhou University,The progress and development of the electrical discipline。

Dai Yuxing gives a high evaluation of the development of the college,Later, the development of the School of Electrical and Electronics of Wenzhou University in detail。He said,Disciplinary construction is the cornerstone of professional development,I hope to take this visit as an opportunity,Strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the School of Electrical and Electronics and Electrical Engineering of Wenzhou University and the School of Electrical Engineering of Shandong University,Both parties promote mutual mutual progress,Jointly promote the construction of disciplines to achieve new progress。

At the symposium,The development of the two schools on both schools、Exchange and cooperation between the disciplines of the two schools conducted a warm discussion,And will play their own characteristics in the next step,Reaching an consistent intention to achieve complementary advantages and common progress。

Party Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Electrical Engineering Yin Lumin、Assistant of Dean Cong Wei、Wang Xiaolong attended the discussion。

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