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The School of Electrical Engineering held the "National Movement Season" teacher and student table tennis game
Release time: May 29, 2024 16:25    Author: Text/Liu Chang Gao Wenbo Ge Xiaoxue Picture/Liu Chang Zhang Wangwang Wang Yibo    点击:[]

  In order to thoroughly implement the series of important instructions for the construction of General Secretary Jinping on the construction of a strong sports country,Promoting the spirit of Shan Great Sports,Promote the comprehensive development of sports aesthetics,May 26,The School of Electrical Engineering held the "National Movement Season" teacher and student table tennis game,attracted more than 100 teachers and students to participate。The players cleverly return the ball,sharp buckle,Cooperation of tacit understanding,Win the applause from time to time。Participants adhering to "Friendship First、The spirit of the competition for the second competition,Promote "Unity Cooperation,Fighting Entry "sports spirit,Council from each other,Communicate with each other,shows the upward spiritual style。

  This table tennis game is opened men's singles、Women's bills、Men's Double、Mixed Double Four major projects。In the competition,Participants fighting spirit、Fighting hard,Heritage、Powerful,Table tennis throw a beautiful arc in the air,Apocalypse applause。The superb skills of the player dedicated a wonderful ping pong event to the audience,The audience from time to time for the wonderful deduction of the players, cheers and drums,The shouts on the spot are constantly。Volunteers also busy shuttle between various services and logistics support work。Competition is intense、Detcase,but not losing warmth、Unity Friends。

  After the fierce competition competes,Lin wants to win the women's singles champion,Lu Dongbao won the men's singles champion,Chen Xu and Lin want to win the mixed doubles champion,Xu Tianao and Lu Dongbao won the men's doubles champion。After the game,The closing ceremony of table tennis matches and awards ceremony was held at the student activity center on the third floor of Shunyuan, the North of Qianfoshan,The game is successfully concluded。

  This competition is not only a sports feast,It is a spiritual baptism。On the field,Unity and hard work of the players,Fully showed the electrical students who are not afraid of difficulties、Sports spirit for hard work,Classed together with a remarkable moment。Future,The college will set up a more diversified sports platform for teachers and students of the hospital,Exercise perseverance,Cultivate the spirit of unity and collaboration,Promoting college sports、Comprehensive development of Aesthetic Education。

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