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The School of Electrical Engineering held the "Measures for Disciplinary Students Students (Trial)" in Shandong University
Release time: June 07, 2024 08:55    Author: graphic/Lu Fulin    点击:[]

To further enhance student discipline awareness,Clarifying the various management regulations of the "Measures for Student Student Student Violations (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"),May 31,The School of Electrical Engineering held the "Measures" special study meeting in the teaching building of Xinglongshan Campus 1210,The meeting was lectured by Xu Fangzhou, a level 2022 undergraduate counselor Xu Fangzhou,School of Electrical Engineering, Level 2022 Class 3 and 6 Class 6 students present。

will be on it,Xu Fangzhou led all students to lead the "Measures",Learn by chapter -by -chapter。For some chapters,Xu Fangzhou raised the example of disciplinary violations that had occurred in previous years,Analysis of the consequences and harm of disciplinary violations,I hope that classmates will learn from discipline lessons,Clarify the actual cause of disciplinary cases,Master the bottom line of discipline and rules,Always be afraid of heart、There is a precepts、There is something to do,Continuously improved personal literacy under disciplinary constraints,Excellent quality。

Through this study meeting,Students feel very abundant,2022 level 3 deputy squad leader Xu Bocheng said,"I realize that compliance with discipline is not just a code of conduct,It is a kind of life attitude and values,Only by consciously follow discipline,can we improve personal literacy,Promote collective progress。"Zhang Mingzhuo, Class 6 class 6 class 6, said,"As a student,We should learn self -restraint,Follow the school's rules and regulations。This is not only responsible for yourself,It is also responsible for others and collectives。This study will set a clear code of conduct for me,It also inspired my higher self -requirements。”

The School of Electrical Engineering always insists on continuously strengthening student discipline awareness,Improve students' ideological cultivation。I hope that the majority of students will firmly establish the bottom line thinking,Continuous improvement of self -restraint consciousness,Using the "Measures" as the outline of personal action,Strengthen discipline consciousness in learning,Develop discipline consciousness in realization。

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