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The School of Electrical Engineering smoothly organizes the mid -term defense of the volunteer competition
Release time: May 06, 2024 11:43    Author: Wen/Chen Yu Tu/Cao Zixin    点击:[]

  On the evening of April 23,The Youth Volunteer Association of the School of Electrical Engineering of Shandong University held the mid -term defense of the volunteer contest at the experimental building 814。Teachers who attended this defense are 2022 counselor Xu Fangzhou,2023 Counselor Teng Dan、Sun Fengzhan,Student judges have the person in charge of Electrical Qingzhi Association Gu Yiheng、Wu Yi、Zheng Xiaobin。

  Representatives of students in each class will be introduced from the event in two minutes、Activity purpose、Organization、Late Outlook、Activity significance and other aspects of the volunteer projects of their respective classes,and criticize the judges and teachers,Affirmation results,Point out the shortcomings,Share experience,Make a comprehensive and in -depth summary of the volunteer activities of each class,Simple planning the development of the later consumption activities。

  Long -term vision of judges,Each focus。Teacher Xu Fangzhou mainly combines the actual situation、Increase the promotion of activities、Expansion of the volunteer service activities involved the scope、Perfect the volunteer activity process and other aspects to guide the volunteer work of each class; Teng Dan's innovativeness from the volunteer project、Practical and feasibility gives suggestions; Teacher Sun Feng Zhan specifically pointed out that the volunteer activities must not only pay attention to the surface,Pay more attention to the practical significance of the activity。

  After the defense is over,Teacher Xu Fangzhou made a simple summary。Teacher Xu first fully affirmed the students' distinctive ideas,Then encourage students to start their brain tendon,Discover problems,Starting from actual needs,Provide support supply,The tendency of enhancing volunteer services、targeted、Innovative,Improve the standard,Optimization process,perfect process,Not only the vision of volunteer service is limited to your own class,And to improve the position,Outlook high,Strengthen and other colleges、Contacts of the campus and even social institutions,Gradually expand the influence of the volunteer service activity,responding to society needs,Responsible for the time of the times,Volunteer service as a medium,Do your best to light up and heat up,Service society。

  The mid -term defense of this volunteer competition is successfully ended,Each class summarizes results from this defense activity,Disited experience,I hope that each class will continue to promote the construction of voluntary service,Get excellent results in the final defense!

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