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2023 Electric Power System Technology International Conference
Release time: September 20, 2023 17:31    Author: Zhou Xinyi    点击:[]

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2023 Electric Power System Technology International Conference (2023INTERNATIONAL Conference On Power System Technology,PowerCon2023) held in Jinan, September 21-22, 2023。This session is by the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society (CSEE)、Electrical Electronics Engineers Learn to Electricity and Energy Branch (IEEEE PES)、State Grid Co., Ltd. co -sponsored,from Shandong University、State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company hosted,State Grid Information Communication Industry Group Co., Ltd.。

The International Conference on Electric Power System Technology was launched by Electrical Engineering Society (CSEE) and electrical electronics engineers in 1998.,Hold every two years,Enjoy a high reputation among international colleagues。Since 2020,Powercon changed to annual meeting,That is, the meeting is held in turn in China and Asia -Pacific countries every year。

The meeting schedule includes the opening ceremony、Main Report、Symposium、Thesis communication、Poster communication、WIP Women's Engineer Forum and the 5th Smart Grid Method、International Symposium on Tools and Technology,Invite domestic and foreign experts and scholars at home and abroad around the new power system energy balance、New power system is safe and stable、Electronic equipment and applications in the new power system、New Power System Network Source Dutch Interaction、Information physical fusion in new power system、New technologies for transmission and distribution in the application of new power systems and other issues to communicate and discuss。

2.Meeting Organization

Honor:Chinese Electrical Engineering Society (CSEE)

Electrical Electronics Engineers Learn to Electricity and Energy Branch (IEEEE PES)

National Grid Co., Ltd.

Handling:Shandong University

State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company

Co -organized:State Grid Information Communication Industry Group Co., Ltd.

Media support:"Journal of China Electrical Engineering"

CSee Journal of Power and Energy Systems

"Grid Technology" "Automation of Power System"

Journalof Modern Power System and Clean Energy

"High -voltage Technology"



"Power Information and Communication Technology"

"Power Power"

"Electricity Engineering Technology"

Conference website:

3. Speaker

Shu Yinbiao,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,Chairman of the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society,The International Electrician Commission(IEC)No. 136Chairman,

Professor -level senior engineer,Mainly engaged in energy and power development strategy、Power grid operation and power system plan、Ultra/UHV Electricity Construction and Key Technology R & D Work,Research results promoted the implementation of the "Western East Delivery" strategy and the national power grid interconnection,Promoting the large -scale development and utilization of clean energy,2 items such as National Science and Technology Progress Awards、1 first prize,Won the 2018 Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award。

jessica j. bian,IEEE PESChairman

Dr. Jessica J. Bian is the pioneer and leader of the energy power industry,Once at the Federal Energy Management Committee (FERC) and North American Electricity reliability committee (NERC),And as a senior consultant for WestingHouse Electric Corp,ERCOT and PJM senior power experts,In 2020, he was elected chairman,The first Chinese chairman in the history of IEEE PES。

Jessica J. Bian has been the secretary -general of IEEE PES since 2016,Under her leadership, a total of 18 reliability indicators in the industry have been established,To determine the reliability of the grid、Fullness and related risks。She has 25 years of power system and its automation business and research and development、System integration,rich experience in software management,Have two US patents,Published more than 70 papers in well -known international conferences and magazines such as the American Electronics and Electrical Engineers Association (IEEE),and won the PES Wanda Reder Pioneer Pioneer Award for 2014 due to its technical achievements。

Li Shucai, President of Shandong University,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,Tunnel and underground engineering disaster prevention and control experts。

Long -term engaged in the research work of disaster prevention and control of tunnels and underground engineering trees and mud,Construction and innovating the theory and method of prediction theory of bad geological prediction of tunnel construction,Create key technologies for environmental protection tunnels and disaster governance,I have made important contributions to the prevention and control of tunnels and underground engineering disasters。

Four second prizes won the second prize of national scientific and technological progress、1 second prize of national technology invention,5 first prizes at the provincial and ministerial level,and won the national innovation contest first、Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award and the highest science and technology in Shandong Province

4. The keynote reporter

Zhou Xiaoxin,Experts of Electric Power System,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,IEEE FELLOW,Honorary Dean of China Electric Power Science Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Foreign Academician of the National Academy of Engineering,"CSEE JOURNAL of Power and Energy Systems" Journal Editor。

Academician Zhou Xiaoxin has a long -term mathematical model and calculation method and engineering application research that is engaged in power system analysis and control,Hosted the research and development of my country's first large -scale power system analysis software package (PSASP)、Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) and Advanced Power System Real -time Simulation Device (ADPSS),R & D results are widely used in the national power system。From 2010 to the present, I have studied the three generations of power grids and the new generation of power system、The concept of the new generation of energy system、Development mode and key technology,Provide consultation recommendations for the state to formulate the national and long -term energy and power development goals and policy countermeasures。

Academician Zhou Xiaoxin has won the He Liang He Li Science and Technology Award、IEEE PES Narihingorani Facts Award、The first prize of the first national science and technology progress in 1985、The first prize of National Science and Technology Progress in 2009 and the first prize of national science and technology progress in 2010。

ALFREDO VACCARO,IEEE PES Power System Operation、Planning and Economic Professional Committee Technology and Vice Chairman of the New Branch

ALFREDO VACCARO obtained a master's degree in electronic engineering at the University of Salino, Italy (honor),Doctoral degree in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Ontario, Canada。March 2002,Add the Department of Engineering at the University of Sonho at the University of Bunito, Italy,Currently serving as a full -time professor at Sonua University and Director of the Energy Engineering Academic Committee。Research fields include interval -based uncertain power system analysis methods、Reliable computing technology optimized by robust power system and self -tissue architecture calculated by decentralized smart grids。

Professor of ALFREDO VACCARO is the editor -in -chief of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy,and IEEE Trans.on Power Systems、IEEE TRANS.ON SMART GRIDS deputy editor,At the same time, I also run the IEEE PES power system operation、Vice Chairman of the Technology and Innovation Branch of Planning and Economic Professional Committee。

C.Y.Chung, Director of the Department of Electricity System Engineering, Hong Kong Institute of Technology and lecture professor,Academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE FELLOW),IEEE FEEE FELLOW

Professor of C.YCHUNG is the director。Research fields include smart grids、Micro grid、Renewable energy、Stable control of the power system、The operation and planning of the power system、and electric vehicles charging, etc.。

Professor of C.Y Chung is CAE FELLOW、IEEE FELLOW、EIC FELLOW、IET FELLOW and AAIA FELLOW。Division, he is the outstanding speaker of IEEE PES,Once won 2021 EEE Canada P Ziogas Electric Powrabard and 2021 SES Educator of the Year Award。

Professor C.YCHUNG currently serves as Journal of Modern Power Systems and Cleanrator, Transmission &Distribution Theme Editorial Member。Professor C.Y Chung is the candidate for chairman of IEEE PES in 2023。

Janusz Bialek,Professor of Power and Energy System at Newcastle University at the University of Newcastle,IEEEE FELLOW

Professor Janusz BIALEK has successively obtained the Master of Electric Engineering of Warsaw University。Since 2019,He has been a professor at power and energy system at Newcastle University at the University of Newcastle。Janusz Bialek once at the University of Edinburgh (2003-2009)、Dellen University (2009-2014) and Moscowoskovo University of Science and Technology (2014-2022) as a full-time professor,At the same time, the founding director of the Energy System Center of the Moscow Schoervo Institute of Science and Technology。2015-2020,His non -executive independent director of the Kazakhstan Power Grid Operation Company (KEGOC) 2012,He was borrowed to the British Government Energy and Climate Change Department,As a researcher at the British Engineering and Physical Science Research Committee (EPSRC)。He was a guest professor at the University of Hong Kong (2008) and a visiting professor at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland (2000)。Janusz is a member of the Solid Power Market Dispute Solving Group of Ireland,He has served as the British government、International Energy Institution、EU Commission、Consultants of the Scottish government and many British power companies。Januszbialek is the co -author of the textbook "Power System Dynamic Stability and Control"。Janusz Bialek is the British Engineering and Physical Science Research Committee (EPSRC)、American Institute of Electricity (EPRI)、The Ministry of Education and Science and the British Electric Power Industry Funding Fund chief researcher and joint researcher。

zhaoyang dong,Professor of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore,IEEE FEEE FELLOW

Professor zhaoyang dong is a professor of power engineering at Singapore Electric Power Group,Singapore Nanyang Institute of Technology SPG-NTU joint laboratory joint director。Professor Sharp and founding director of the Future Research Institute of the University of New South Wales, Australia。He also served as the chief researcher and director of the Australian National Research Fund Integrated Research Center, as well as the Australian Grid lecturer and director of the Australian Grid at the Australian Grid Smart Grid Center,For Australian Smart Grid、Smart City National Demonstration Project provides research and development support。His research interest includes power system planning、Smart Grid、Smart Grid、Smart City、Energy Market、Renewable energy and its grid、Calculation methods and its application in power system analysis。He has served as editor/deputy editor of multiple IEEE TRANSACTIONS journals and IET journals。He is also ieee fellow。

5. Opening ceremony and keynote report host

Wang Gang, Secretary -General of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering

Wang Gang,Male,Born in November 1966,Bachelor degree,Electricity system and its automation professional,Professor -level senior engineer is currently Secretary -General of the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society。Director of the Development Planning Department of Anhui Electric Power Company,General Manager of Tongling Power Supply Company,Chief Engineer of Henan Electric Power Company、Deputy General Manager、General Manager。More than 10 items for various types of various awards at the provincial and municipal level。

Vladimir Terzija, A special professor of Shandong University,Professor of the School of Energy System and Network Engineering, University of Newcastle University,IEEEE FELLOW,Humboldt Fellow

Vladimir Terzija once at Serbian Beller University、Germany Abb、The University of Manchester and the Russian Science and Technology Research Institute of Science and Technology of Russia。His research direction is smart grid application、WAMPAC、Power system protection、Temporary process、Data analysis and digital signal processing application in power and energy systems。Vladimir Terzija is the Internetal Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Journal editor、Humboldt Scholars and China National Friendship Award winners。


Address: Jinan Lu Nenggui He and Intercontinental Hotel (No. 3, Tiandi Tan Street, Lixia District, Jinan, Shandong)

Contact: Yang Ziming

Contact number:+86-15966680931

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