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Honor is renewed! The Graduate Student Association of the School of Electrical Engineering has won the honor of the "Top Ten Graduate Associations" in Shandong University for three consecutive years
Release time: June 05, 2024 08:47    Author: Graphic/Song Shihang    点击:[]

  May 30, 2024,Shandong University 2023-2024 The college-level student union "I do practical things for classmates" annual project exchange display and "Top Ten College Student Union Organization" selection came to an end。Material declaration、Project Exhibition、Report review、offline defense and other links,Graduate students in our college will continue the honor,Won again won the honorary title of "Top Ten Graduate Associations" in Shandong University。

  Under the correct leadership of the Party Committee of the hospital and the careful guidance of the Youth League Committee,Graduate students of the School of Electrical Engineering will keep in mind Yin Yin's entrustment,Those who are in the heart of the country,Serving the overall requirements of "cultivating the most creative graduate students" in Shandong University; remember the original heart,Tingdo,Do the campus style、Pioneer power for the era of help,Strive with practical actions to answer "Strong School and Xingguo,What is the proposition of this era,Contribute youth wisdom for students' comprehensive growth and prosperity and development of the mountain。

  Leader of ideological politics。Electrical Research will adhere to the "leading thinking about politics,Help Growth "at the beginning,Functional group branch as the position,Carry out a series of time -effectiveness、Form new、Fun -wide special learning and theme education,Open a new situation in the new era of ideological and political learning; organize many volunteer service activities and red research and social practice,Li Hao's ideological and political vane for young students。

  The creator of the campus culture。Electrical Research will keep in mind the "Listing Culture,Building Dreams "work mission,Guide with five education,Create a series of novel forms、Favorite brand activity。Literary and artistic grand event such as the grass sound and dance festival,Demonstrate the unique charm and height of the mountain culture; led the launch of the first basketball game of Qianfoshan Campus- "Qianfoshan Cup" basketball friendly game,Create a bright sports business card belonging to the Qianfoshan Campus;,Open the first "Treasure Mountains" Science and Technology Museum Open Day,The lecture group of the school history museum、The museum preaching group jointly constructs the mountain culture preaching matrix;、Rubbing the Youth League and other series of cafeteria experience activities,Improve campus cultural atmosphere,Contribute youth for the school's prosperity and development。

  The empowerment of the growth talent。Electrical Research Association adheres to the "leading growth,Help the focus of talent ",Build academic promotion、Employment Leading、Mind escort、Enterprise Practice、Five -piece work layout combined with backbone training。Create "PowerX Talks" college brand exchange sharing meeting,Eliminate the academic field of electrical students; in -depth analysis of employment needs,Regularly carry out employment promotion meetings; carry out various psychological health lectures and open emotional exchange stores,Improve the ability to psychological mutual assistance to the group; organize multiple power front -line enterprises practice,Tim Wing Student Development; Optimize the backbone training mechanism,Create an efficient operation elite team,Provide comprehensive support and help for the growth of electrical students。

  Guardian of the bridge bond。Electrical Research Association upholds "leading communication,Working policy of creating bridge,Improve the two -way communication mechanism of "Classmates' Prosecution+Research Conference",and carry out "All -round、Multi -form、High -quality "equity activity。Organize the catering experience activities such as chefs and new tasting、Set up 315 equity booth,Help improve the quality of life on campus; initiate the first studio art festival,Create a personal dream station,Create electrical home culture。All kinds of equity measures jointly guarantee the demands、Development has a road、Difficulty with help,Three tubes in uncle,Knowing people around your classmates。

  Graduate students of the School of Electrical Engineering will always remember the purpose of "serving the classmates wholeheartedly",Those who lead the country with the heart of the electrical students,Tingdo,Strive to be a good youth in the new era,In promoting the construction of a strong country、Showing electrical as a in the great cause of national rejuvenation、Demonstrate electrical style、Contribute electrical power!

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