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IEEE PES Jinan Branch PES Day 2024 Academic Forum was successfully held
Release time: May 07, 2024 17:04    Author: Sun Runjia    点击:[]

  April 27,IEEE PES Jinan Branch PES Day 2024 Academic Forum is held below Jinan University。The theme of this forum is "Clean Power for Diverse Loads",from IEEE PES Jinan Branch、IEEEPES Dynamic Technical Committee sponsored,Shandong University、Hosted by Jinan University,IEEE PES Jinan University Student Branch、Co -organized by Shandong University Student Branch,IEEE PES China Professional Branch (IEEE PCCC) assisted guidance,The activity has received strong support from accumulated electronic Co., Ltd.。


  In the guest speech link,IEEE PCCC Chairman、Professor Kang Chongqing, Director of the Department of Electrical Department of Tsinghua University through video method,To the forum to bless and introduce the development and related policies of IEEE PES in recent years,indicates that IEEE PES as an international academic organization,It has been committed to promoting the development of power and energy technology,Promoting the spread of knowledge and innovation。IEEE PES Jinan Branch Chairman、IEEEPES Dynamic Technical Committee Chairman Professor Liu Yutian, Shandong University,Looking back on the development since the establishment of the Jinan Branch,Introduce the PESDAY activity to gather experts and scholars in the field of electricity and energy、Industry leaders and students,Discuss and exchange the latest research results、Technology innovation and industry trend,And thank you guests、Expert、Students participate in this event。Last,Professor Shen Tao, Dean of the School of Automation and Electrical Engineering of Jinan University,Guests attending the meeting、Experts and classmates have expressed warm welcome,and look forward to all universities、The unit can take this activity to further strengthen cooperation,Together to realize green、Efficient、Sustainable energy will make positive contributions in the future。


  In the main report link,Liu Changjiao Gao, Institute of Electricity and Energy Efficiency of the Chinese Academy of Electrical Sciences、Dr. Xing Fa Cai, the Institute of Electricity Sciences, State Grid Shandong Electricity Company、Integrated Electronic Co., Ltd. Zhang Luyin Senior Work、Associate Professor Shi Jie, Jinan University, and four experts, in turn, made in turn;、"Research on the Influence of High Percent New Energy Access on the Security and Stability of Large Power Grid"、"Autonomous High -performance Electromagnetic Interim Simulation Platform Development and Application Outlook"、"Exploration of the Key Issues Exploration of Multi -Energy Complement Systems of New Energy Reliability Power Forecast"。


  Guests' speech and keynote report session by IEEE PES Jinan Branch PES Day、Mrs. Sun Runjia, deputy researcher at Shandong University。

  At the round table forum link,From Jinan University、Shandong University、Qingdao University、National Grid Company、Qilu University of Technology、National Grid Company、Accumulated Electronic Co., Ltd.、Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Co., Ltd.'s nearly 20 relevant experts and scholars in the field of electrical engineering are academic、Work、Experience and other aspects to communicate。The round table forum is chaired by Wang Luhao, associate professor of Jinan University。

  On the Forum of Kaishi Road forum,Associate Professor Zhang Li, Shandong University、Deputy Director of Zhao Zhende, Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Academy Co., Ltd.、Dr. Liu Weipeng, Storns Institute of Technology, USA、Dr. Zhu Yuanzhen of Shandong Institute of Electric Sciences、Jicheng Electronic Co., Ltd. Gong Shaoqing algorithm engineer、Xu Yao Electric Power System Senior Engineer,From scientific research、Learning and work shared your own feelings。Introduction to the undergraduates and graduate students of the conference enthusiastically,Dear discussions on the confusion of students generally encountered。The road to the road forum is by IEEE PES Jinan Branch PES Day Student Ambassador、Master of Jinan University Master Lu Quanpeng chaired。

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