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"Science and Technology Daily" English special issue headline column published an interview with Professor Vladimir Terzija in our college
Release time: January 24, 2024 10:44    Author: Wu Ke    点击:[]

Recent,我院Vladimir TerzijaProfessorInterview with the Science and Technology Daily,Share a series of achievements made by his scientific research cooperation with our hospital for many years。January 20,"Science and Technology Daily) headline column published an excuses entitled" Fascination of Electrical Engineering "。"Science and Technology Daily" official website、手机客户端也对该文章进行了同期报道。January 23,The "Belt and Road" News Cooperation Alliance reproduced the article to the official website。

During the interview,Professor Terzija focused on introducing wide area monitoring、Protection and control technology system (Wide-Arta Monitoring, Protection and Control, WAMPAC),该系统是他重点关注的研究课题之一。​​Professor Terzija said,中国地域广阔,The power system is huge,More than 1.4 billion people depend on strong、Security、Reliable power supply,and the WAMPAC system helps ensure the efficiency of China Grid、Security and reliability。

other,Professor Terzija's research also focuses on solving challenges related to the application of smart grid applications and multi -energy systems in the real world。He emphasized,Integrating various energy systems is an effective solution to maximize the use of renewable energy and green energy,可实现整个能源系统的灵活运行,and optimize the use of renewable energy。In his opinion,The above measures play a vital role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions,helps to realize clean energy power generation,Finally achieve a net zero emissions target。

Terzija教授表示,多年来他与Our hospitalContinuous cooperation,During the period, I got strong support from scholars,Then it can produce a large number of research results。Speaking of the vision of future research,Professor Terzija said that he will focus on the big data challenges faced in the safe and reliable operation of the power system,并致力于探索与电网数字化相关的课题,I also hope that the new generation of young scholars can promote the above research with him。

Science and Technology Daily is one of the mainstream media of the central government,"Science and Technology Daily" English special issue on July 1, 2021.,Mainly facing more than 300,000 foreign talents in China to carry out science and technology foreign publicity,It is an important platform for telling the story of Chinese scientific and technological innovation。The "Belt and Road" news cooperation alliance is an important media cooperation platform under the "Belt and Road" framework,The People's Daily is the chairman unit。

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