Scientific research
Announcement of Recruitment Announcement at the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University
Release time: June 07, 2024 16:44    Author:    点击:[]

Due to scientific research needs,Approved by the school,School of Electrical Engineering's complex power grid safety prevention and control and intelligent recovery scientific research team now recruit applied assistant researcher 1。Related recruitment issues are as follows:

1. job settings

(1) Job category: Employment science and technology staff

(2) Number of jobs: 1 person;

(3) Work location: Jinan.

2. Job requirements

(1) The nationality of the People's Republic of China,Leaders who support the Communist Party of China,Keeping the Law of the Period,Excellent product,Non -disciplinary punishment;

(2) physical and mental health,Age no more than 35 years old (born on January 1, 1989 and after and after);

(3) Have a master's degree and above,Computer professional、Electronic information majors, etc.; If it is 2024 graduates,Related academic degree in July 2024。

(4) Skilled Spring Boot 、 SpringCloud 、 MyBatis and other open source frameworks,Skills of the front -end technology such as HTML Vue Elementui,Familiar with mysql oracle database,Understanding the computer system structure,Details and rigorous work,Have a strong learning ability,Enterprise work experience is preferred。

(5) The professional knowledge required for the job、Skills and good communication and coordination;

(6) Be proficient in using various office software.

3, recruitment procedure

(1) Registration

1. Registration time

The date of the notification — June 13, 2024

2. Registration material

(1) Personal identity certificate;

(2) Personal resume (including recent crown -free documents);

(3) Education experience in the education experience of domestic universities must be provided、Degree Certificate,National (Land) Education Experience Period must provide a degree certificate and a degree certification of the Ministry of Education's State (Land) External Academic degree,2024 graduates who have not obtained a graduation certificate and degree certificate for the time being,It can provide graduates' employment recommendation form (fill in complete and have a school official seal) or's reading certificate (unlicensed and unobstructed QR codes);

(4) Related qualification certificate、Honor Certificate、Work experience and other proof materials;

(5) "Application Form for Application of Research Jobs in Shandong University" (Annex 1)。

Candidates please scan the materials involved in (1)-(4) items involved in order into a PDF file,Name it with "My Name+Application position",(5) Item material does not require scan,Send it to the mailbox,Email theme, please fill in "Name+Application position"。

Note: Please fill in the registration materials as well as、Provide,If it does not match the actual situation,Once verified,Cancel applicants to participate in recruitment qualifications。

(2) Qualification review and examination

The college recruitment team shall conduct qualification review of the applicants according to the requirements of the job,Determine the participants。Exams are mainly interviews。Interview mainly tests the comprehensive quality of candidates、Professional ability and job adaptability。You need to display the original submitted material during the interview。Failure to submit the original or does not have the application conditions,Cancel the qualification for interview。

(3) Examination and physical examination

Examiner focuses on ideological and political performance、Moral quality, business ability and work performance。Participants in the medical examination at the specified time and place,According to "Standards for New Faculty of Faculty in Shandong University (Trial)"。Give up for inspection、Physical examination qualification or inspection、Gaps caused by unqualified medical examination,Equivalence can be supplemented in turn by test results。

(4) Public announcement and employment

Persons who pass the inspection and medical examination will be announced on the website of the School of Electrical Engineering of Shandong University (/),Public announcement period is 3 working days。Public announcement without objection,Sign a labor contract. Within three months from the date of publicity,Public candidates such as abandonment,You can make supplements based on the amount of personnel in accordance with the qualified persons。

4, contact and contact information

Contact: Teacher Sheng

Contact number: 18615416539


1."Application Form for Application of Research Jobs in Shandong University Employment Research Jobs"

School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University

June 07, 2024

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