Scientific research
Call for Papers: The 7th IEEE SOUTHERN POWER ELECTRONICS Conference (IEEE SPEC 2022)
Release time: 13:54, June 01, 2022    Author:    点击:[]


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IEEE SPEC 2022 is a Premier International Technology Conference of IEEEEEEERON 10, Which Comprise 58 Sections, 6 countcils, 29 Subsections, 663 chapters, and 1,431 Student Branches in the Asia Pacific Region. IEEE SPEC 2022 is going to be held at sheraton fiji Golf & Beach Resort, Denarau Island, fiji. The theme for spec 2022 is smart use of Power; Researchers and Engineers will be broughtther from academia and inDustry, And they Will Freely Expose their Ideas and OPINIONS on Emerging issues in the filed of electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering as INFORMATION Technology

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  • Device Packaging and Characterization

  • New Developments (WBG and Other)

  • Modelling

  • Passive Components

  • Reliability

  • Device Protection

Power Converters

  • Converter Design

  • Modular Multilevelly Converters

  • Resonant and HF Converters

  • WBG Power Electronics

  • EMI / EMC and HF Phenomena


Energy Storage

  • Batteries, SuperCapacitors, Flywheel

  • Energy Management Systems

  • Second-Life Battery Systems and Applications

  • Energy Storage for Standalone and Grid Connected Renewable Energy Systems

  • EMI / EMC and HF Phenomena



  • Power Converters for Electric Vehicles

  • E-Tractors

  • Power Electronics and Control for Drones

  • Electric MotorcyCles

  • Control and Energy Management

  • All Electric Aircraft and Ship

  • Pilot Studies

  • EV Charging Technologies

Power Supplies

  • Wireless Transfer of Power

  • Low and High Voltage DC Power Supplies

  • Uninterrupted Power Supplies

  • Distributed Power Supplies


Motor Drives and Actuators

  • Modelling, Control and Design of Drives

  • Robotic Applications

  • Industrial Applications

  • Service Drives



Other Related Topics

  • Power Electronics Education

  • Hybrid Teaching of Power Electronics

  • Protection and Data Analytics

  • Power Electronics for Medical Applications

  • Cyber ​​Physical Aspects for Power Electronics





45824_46160, 45837_46011

  • Annex [CFP_SPEC-2022.pdf] Downloadtimes

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