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Call for Papers-ISESC 2024
Release time: April 29, 2024 17:07    Author:    点击:[]

Call for Papers-ISESC 2024

CPSS & IEEE International Symposium on Energy Storage and Conversion (ISESC) is an International Symposium for Presentation and Discussion of the State-TH E-Energy Storage and Power Conversion Systems. ISESC 2024 is the First Meeting of ISESC, which will be held in xi’an, china, During November 8-11, 2024. 2024 China Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Conge & The 27th CHINA POWER Supply Society Conference and Exhibition will be held during the isesc 2024.

The Worldwide Energy Storage and Conversion Industry, Research, And Academia Are Cordially Invited to Participate in An ARray of Presentations, tutorials, And Social Activities for the Advancement of Science, Technology, Engineering Education, Andfellowship. Technical Interests of the Symposium Include, But are not limited to:

· Advanced Battery Materials and their Preparation

· Battery Management System (BMS) for Battery Systems

· Power Conversion Techniques for Battery Systems

· Advanced Fuel Cell Materials and their Preparation

· Power Conversion Techniques for Fuel Cell Systems

· Green Hydrogen Generation and Applications

· Energy Management for Energy Storage Systems

· Reliability, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Protection of Energy Storage Systems

· Energy Storage and Conversion for Grid Applications

· Energy Storage and Conversion for Transportation Applications

· Energy Storage and Conversion for Data and Ict Applications

· Advanced Power-To-X Technologies and Applications

· Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Energy Storage and Conversion Systems

· Other Emerging Topics in Energy Storage and Conversion Systems


sponsored by

China Power Supply Society

IEEE Power Electronics Society


Honorary Chair

dehong xu, zhejiang univ.

General Chair

Jinjun Liu, xi ’an jiaotong univ.

Technical Program Chairs

wuhua Li, zhejiang univ.

Kai Sun, tsinghua univ.

jiabing hu, huazhong univ. Of sci. And tech.

xiaoqiang guo, yanshan univ.

chris mi, San Diego State University

Pedro Rodriguez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Luiz Henrique Silva Colado Barreto, Federal University of Ceará

Fei Gao, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliaard

Henry Chung, City univ. Of hong Kong

ningyi dai, univ. Of macau

sanjib panda, National Univ. Of Singapore

jung-IK ha, Seoul National Univ.

junichi itoh, nagaoka univ. Of tech.

ZENG LIU, xi ’an jiaotong univ.

chushan Li, zhejiang univ.

Tutorial Committee Chairs

xinbo run, Nanjing Univ. Of Aeronautics and ASTRONAUTICS

Pinjia zhang, tsinghua univ.

yijie Wang, Harbin univ. Of tech.

Industry SESSION Committe Chairs

jinfa zhang, Delta Electronics

junming zhang, zhejiang univ.

Yaojie Sun, fudan univ.

Organization Committee Chair

hao ma, zhejiang univ.

Global Submit Committee Chair

xiaoming Yuan, huazhong univ. Of sci. And tech.

Special Activity Committee Chair

xiong du, Chongqing univ.

Local Committee Chair

xu yang, xi'an jiaotong univ.

Publications Committee Chair

hao ma, zhejiang university

Paper Submission

17234_17406, in PDF Format), FOLLOWING The Instructor available on the website: Digest is a Summary of your painting the digest title, abstract, Digest Text and References.

Accepted and PresenteD Papers Will Be Published in the Symposium Proceedings, And Submitted to the IEEE Xplore on-LINE DIGITAL LIBRARY and EI COMPENDEX.


Several High-Quality Tutorials Will Be Office, November 8, 2024.

PROSPECTIVE LECTURERS Are Invited to Send A Proposal Before Jury 15, 2024 to the tutorial chair: xinbo run, on 

The Proposal Should Be Including:

· Tutorial Title

· name, Affiliation, And Short Bio (s) of the lecturer (s)

· Objectives and Audience

· Synopsis

Industry Session Presentations

In Order to Streangthen The Cooperation AMONG Industries with Academics, ISESC 2024 Will Arrange Industry Sessions During the Symposium. Speakers are invited to make a Presentation Only Without Submitting A Formal .SelLuded in the isesc 2024 Symposium Proceeding. for presentation, Plus 5 minutes for q&A). We Seek Technical Presentations Rather than Marketing-Oriented Talks.

Please Submit the Proposal Before Jury 15, 2024 to Including:

· Title of the Presentation

· Summary of the Presentation Content

· Description of the target Audinence

· Short Professional Biography of the Speaker

Important Deadlines

submission of digests

jj. 30th, 2024

Submission of Industry Session

Jum. 15th, 2024

submission of tutorial 

Jum. 15th, 2024

Notification of Paper Acceptance

Aug. 15th, 2024

Submission of Final Papers 

SEPT. 15th, 2024

for More Information Please Refer to the Website:

Secretariat of ISESC 2024


Phone: +86-22-83575728、27686709

FAX: +86-22-27687886

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