Undergraduate education
School of Electrical Engineering 2024 undergraduate graduation thesis (design) work arrangements and process management measures
Release time: October 21, 2023 11:17    Author:    点击:[]

To further strengthen the topic of graduation thesis (design) of undergraduate students、Open Questions、mid -term inspection、Answers and other links for the whole process management,Improve graduation thesis (design) quality,According to the school's "Shandong University's Undergraduate Graduation Thesis (Design) Management Regulations (Shanda Teaching Word[2012] 37No.) "(Annexal1), TrialChina ZhiwangCollege student graduation design (thesis) management system (hereinafter referred to as system) (attachment2)、"Implementation Rules for the Implementation of the Backeting Thesis (Design) Spring Examination of Shandong Province (Trial)" (Attachment3) and professional certification related requirements,and the actual situation of the college,For our hospital2024Graduation thesis (design) of undergraduates in the following and after the following requirements。

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1, overall requirements

Instructor and students fully communicate,Based on its own advantages and student characteristics, select the topic of undergraduate setting,and apply for the topic on time and issue a graduation design task book,A review by the person in charge of the professional direction and the vice president of teaching。

2, the main process

1) Project application。Instructor discusses the topic of graduation thesis (design) in the undergraduate students brought with undergraduates,andSubmit a topic application form in the system(Annexal4-1). The topic selection needs to be satisfied:1) The topic is a problem of complex electrical engineering (must have theoretical,At the same time, conflict、Comprehensive or innovative);2) The topic should use modern tools to analyze complex electrical engineering problems;3) is a design related to the practice of electrical engineering、Simulation or experimental topics;4) Consider the society、Health、Security、Law、Culture、Environment、The influence of sustainable development5Planning and experimental topics ratio is not less than50%(Design topics focus on developing and evaluating new solutions,Then improve practice and solve problems; experimental topics focus on verifying hypothetical、Explore the cause and effect,Usually in the control environment to obtain scientific experimental data,Analysis experimental results)

2) Project review。The person in charge of each professional (director of the institute)Graduation thesis (design) topic selection of all directions in the system, after approval, the vice president of teaching will be tried. Audit points:1) The topic is a problem of complex electrical engineering (must have theoretical,At the same time, conflict、Comprehensive or innovative);2) The topic should use modern tools to analyze complex electrical engineering problems;3) is a design related to the practice of electrical engineering、Simulation or experimental topics;4) Consider the society、Health、Security、Law、Culture、Environment、The influence of sustainable development。5) Design class related to the application of electrical engineering、Experimental and practical topics ratio is not less than50%(Design project focuses on designing and developing new solutions or design new products and new equipment and new equipment,and verify through theoretical analysis or simulation or experiments; experimental topics focus on theoretical problems or specific engineering problems,Design and demonstration experimental scheme,Experimental,Analysis and processing experimental data,Instructed to form a law; practical topics target the first -line problems of specific projects,Through theoretical analysis and literature survey,Put forward and design solutions,The feasibility of through theoretical analysis or simulation or experimental analysis demonstration plan,Provide a reference plan for the solution of the first -line project problem)。

3) Submitting the task book。Instructor according to the content of the subject、Nature and requirements,Fill in the topic task letter in the system(Annexal4-2)。

3, time arrangement


Start time



Project declaration

From now on


Instructor and student

Topic review

From now on


Professional person in charge,

Teaching Dean

Student selection




Topic selection confirmation




Statistical topic selection and supplementary election



Teaching Secretary, Institute, Instructor, Student

2. Opening question

1, overall requirements

Instructor to guide students to carry out graduation thesis (design) opening report writing,Organize the opening of the question by yourself,Guide students to clearly study the direction、Method and Technical route,Make sure that the research task of undergraduates will be carried out smoothly。

2, the main process


1) Explaining the topic。Instructor explained the background and content to the students,Specific requirements for the opening report; introduce the work method of graduation design (thesis) to students、Research ideas and research tools,Introduce the review and collection method and approach of literature,Provide the necessary reference bibliography or literature。

2) Examine the opening report。Examine the opening report of the students (attachment5-1),Put forward a modification opinion; the opening report should include the main content of the graduation design、Theoretical significance and application value,At the same time, it should be targeted at the background of the subject、Literature review (not less than3000Word)、Research content decomposition、Research Technical routes, etc., discuss it in detail。

3) Open the question to answer。Test the student's background of the subject、Significance、Understanding of topic content,Research ideas/The feasibility of the technical route,Research methods and the rationality of modern engineering tools。Fill in the "Graduation Thesis Opening Examination Results Review Form" according to the student's reporting situation and performance5-2) retain.

4) A review report. After passing the defense,The opening report submitted by the students in the system in the system


1) Under the guidance of the teacher,According to the subject task book,Fully investigating literature materials,Decomposition and refinement research content,Draw a research plan or technical route for each research content,Formulate a work plan,Write andSubmit the opening report in the system; the opening report should include the main content of graduation design、Theoretical significance and application value,At the same time, it should be targeted at the background of the subject、Literature review (not less than3000Word)、Research content decomposition、Research Technical routes, etc., discuss it in detail。

2) Modify and improve the opening report according to the opinions of the instructor.

3) After the instructor recognizes the opening report, make a report on the questionPPT,Participate in the opening of the question; after the defense,Modify and improve the opening report of the question based on the opinion of the defense,and submit it in the system.

2.3Research Institute

Summary of the question,Submit the "Summary Form for the Opening Results" (attachment5-3) Send it to Teacher Sun Hao (dqbk@sdu.edu.cnSet the archive, and the president of the teaching president will review the opening report.

3, time arrangement


Start time



issue a task book




Submit the opening report




Open questions



Research Institute, Instructor, Student

Audit opening report



Instructor and Dean of Teaching

3, mid -term check

1, overall requirements

The college set up a graduation thesis (design) mid -term inspection team,Organizational instructor and students to conduct graduation thesis (design) mid -term inspection and report,Make sure that the undergraduate setting is based on the planned quality and quantity。

2, specific process


1) After opening the question,Students report to the instructor at least every week to report or discuss1The progress of the work work, before the mid -term inspectionFill in the guidance record in the systemNo less than3times.

2) Sort the work of the preliminary topic, fill in"Shandong University Graduation Thesis (Design) Mid -term Report Form"(Annexal6-1) and"Graduation Thesis (Design) Work Progress Inspection Form"(Annexal6-2and submit it in the system.

3) Production mid -term inspection reportPPTParticipate in the intermediate inspection and defense organized by the corresponding research institute.


1) After opening the question, the instructor should start with the students at least every week1Guidance or discussion,Guide and urge students to carry out graduation design topics,andReview the guidance record in the system.

2)Examine the "Mid -term Report Form of Shandong University (Design) in Shandong University" submitted by students in the system,Ensure that the undergraduate graduation design work is performed in accordance with the plan。Review points:1) Whether to carry out research work as planned;2) Whether there is a problem in the preliminary work;3) Whether the report form shows the preliminary work in detail.

2.3Research Institute

1) Mid -term grouping。Research Institute Grouping for students participating in the mid -term defense,Assigning a defense teacher。The request of the mid -term defense team requires the request of3-5Fame defense teacher composition,The instructor must not be the defense teacher in the group where the students they are where they are where the students they are located,Director of the Research Institute for reviewing the group。

2) Medium -term defense。Key examine the work progress of the paper、The quality of the work is completed in the early stage,Existing problems,The rationality and correctness of the staged results or conclusions, etc.; Student report10minutes, question and answer10minutes.

3) mid -term conclusion。The mid -term defense team determines the conclusion and results of the midterm inspection according to the student's reporting situation and performance discussions,Fill in the "Graduation Thesis (Design) Intermediate Inspection Result Evaluation Form" (one type two parts)(Annexal6-3Store;10%Students who have a yellow card warning,Notifying its instructor and reporting to the college,Supervise the instructor to strengthen guidance and supervision of students,At the same time, the student is included in the large group of the institutes to conduct graduation thesis defense

4) Report the results。The Institute of Research Institute based on the "Significant Report Form for the graduation thesis (design) of Shandong University" based on the student "、Intermediate defense situation、Instructor guidance, etc.,Settlement of the undergraduate complex of the institute、Quality and management of each link summarize,and the results and summary materials (includingSummary table for mid -term inspection results(Annexal6-4, Summary of the mid -term inspection(Annexal6-5) Send it to Teacher Sun Hao (dqbk @sdu.edu.cnSort and archive.


1) The college set up a graduation thesis (design) mid -term inspection team,Overall guidance and supervision mid -term inspection work。

2) The inspection team is in the systemSpring inspection instructor reviewTwo Tables("Shandong University Graduation Thesis (Design) Medium Report Form" and "Student Guidance Record Form"),Check the guidance of the instructor from the instructor from the aspects of guidance time and quality; review the mid -term inspection summary materials submitted by each,Form the college interim inspection summary,Archive。

3Time arrangement:


Start time



Student submitted the midterm report form




mid -term defense



Instructor and student

Instructor review the mid -term report



Instructor and student


Fourth, graduation thesis writing and teacher guidance

Students should take the initiative to accept the inspection and guidance of the instructor,Guarantee、Reservations complete the design thesis writing task on time。Paper writing specifications see attachment7-1: "Writing Specifications (Student)"、Thesis template reference attachment7-2: "Academy of Electrical College (Design) Thesis Template"。

Students should report to the instructor once a week,and guided by the instructor; students shouldFill in the guidance specific content in the system and be reviewed by the instructor, the guidance record during the graduation thesis (design) process is not less than6times.

The first draft of the paper complete time:2024Year4month8DayBefore.

5. Graduation thesis check weight

Graduation design of all graduates must be academic incompetence test,Graduation thesis checks into two times,The first draft of the first draft and the final draft for the first draft of the defense。The weight check rate does not exceed30%,The first draft of the defense can be checked and qualified before participating in the graduation thesis defense,After the final draft is checked, the degree can be obtained after passing the weight。

Students should be timelyCheck the first draft in the system,The first check was conducted after being approved by the instructor。The instructor made a comment based on the results of the review,and determine whether the students are qualified to make a defense。Graduation Thesis (Design) after answering,Students submit the final version in the system,Perform the second check -in。

Preliminary Draft Review Time:2024Year4month8Day-2024Year4month14Day

Final draft Review Time:2024Year5month20Day-2024Year5month26Day

6. Graduation thesis defense

1, overall requirements

According to the relevant content of the "Administrative Regulations of the Undergraduate Graduation Thesis (Design) of Shandong University",The undergraduate graduates of the Institute organize their graduates in the form of groups and large groups,Each Research Institute strictly checks,Adhering to fairness、Justice、Public Principles Requirements Requirement Process and results evaluation。

2, specific process


1) The paper passed after checking the weight,Further improve the paper according to the opinions of the instructor。

2) Production papers and defensePPTParticipate in the graduation thesis and defense organized by the Institute.

3) The questions and answers in the process of sorting out the defense,Submit a defense record in the system(Annexal8-1), and modify and improve the graduation thesis according to the defense situation to formThe final draft is submitted in the system

4),According to excellent graduation thesis (attachment8-6) Format organize graduation thesis.


1) Guide students to modify and improve the paper,and review students in the system。

2) Review student thesis,Fill in the "Review Form for the Review of the Instructor of the School of Electrical Engineering (Design) Instructor Review Form" (attachment8-2),Fill in the "Shandong University Graduation Design (thesis) results evaluation form" in the system(Annexal8-3Instructor CommentsPartial, the evaluation results should be considered to open the question and medium -term defense.

2.3Research Institute

1) The defense group.

Undergraduate graduation thesis (design) defense is organized by each research institute,Divided into a group defense (hereinafter referred to as a group) and a large group defense (hereinafter referred to as the large group)。

The designation of the Institute of Defining the Institute,The personnel of the defense secretary in the system to maintain the composition of the defense committee (including the defense secretary)Student defense group and defense timeand notify the instructor and student defense arrangement.

Student group requirements: Insurance students (including Bao Bao to Shan University and all students outside the school)、Medium -term inspections who fail to pass the students and apply for graduation thesis (design) to apply for excellent results must participate in the large group defense,Students who do not participate in large group defense cannot achieve excellent results。Other students participate in the group defense。

Answers: The defense committee is formed by the Institute。The defense committee of the large group requests the request for7-9Famous defense teachers, including at least one company/Industry Experts (Chairman of the Big Group); the group defense committee requires the3-5Fame defense teacher composition。The instructor must not be the defense teacher in the group where the students they are where they are where the students they are located。

2) Answer.

The thesis defense of the research institute organizes graduates,The specific defense requirements are as follows:

a) Report from the respondent10minutes, question and answer10minutes,Focus on the format of student papers、Workload and degree of mastery of related knowledge。

b) Fill in the defense secretary"Records of the Undergraduate Graduation thesis (Design) Critics"(Annexal8-1The defense committee fills in the "Graduation of the School of Electrical Engineering (Design) Rating Form for the Graduation of Electrical Engineering (Design) quality and defense situation according to the student's graduation thesis (design) quality and defense situation.8-2),Give the "Shandong University Graduation Thesis (Design) Result Evaluation Form"Answer Group Comments, and fromAnswer Secretary enters the system, and the Electronic signature of the team leader of the defense committee.

cIn the institute in a professional direction,Settings30%excellent rate and5%No pass rate on the left and right defense。Students who have not passed the first graduation thesis defense,It will delay its graduation review,and complete the thesis revision and participate in the college's centralized graduation thesis within one month,Graduation audit can be performed after passing the later。

3) Submit the results。Documents that have not been approved in the final trial of the college and given their grades,Submit graduation thesis (design) results in the teaching affairs system。

4) Recommended outstanding graduation thesis。According to the quality and defense of graduation thesis,Select Outstanding Graduation Thesis (Design),Fill in "Shandong UniversityxxExcellent Graduation Thesis (Design) Summary Form (Appendix8-5) Determine recommended candidates.

5) Summary。Write a undergraduate thesis (design) defense summary (attachment8-7) and submit it to the college archive.


1) The college set up a graduation thesis (design) defense committee,Overall guidance and supervision of undergraduate graduation thesis (design) defense work。

2) College defense committee is in the systemGraduation thesis (design) defense organization of each research instituteIncluding off -campus enterprises hired by the Institute/Industry experts serve as a large group defense member、Grouping situation、Answers、Results assessment and submission, etc.

3) Thesis evaluation。According to the Evaluation Papers reported by each research institute,Selection Recommended thesis to participate in the selection of outstanding undergraduate graduation thesis,Notification to be selected as a middle school student to organize the excellent graduation thesis (attachment8-6) and other materials.

4) Prepare the "School of Electrical EngineeringxxxxSummary of Graduation Thesis (Design) "and archive.

3, time arrangement


Start time



Instructor's grade entry







Instructor, student, teaching secretary, defense entry staff

Entry of information such as defense results



Students, instructor, defense entry staff

Students upload the papers and check the weight



Students, instructor


Seven, Graduation thesis files

Students are packed in accordance with the relevant requirements of the graduation thesis file,Receive and sort according to the school number.。Specific includes:

1, cover

Print "Graduation Design File Catalog" (Annexal9-1) Paste in front of the file bag,Fill in the name、Xue Number、Class、Professional direction、Instructor and other information。

2Materials in the archive bag

Graduation design opening application form1Documents, opening the question report21Letter, graduation thesis opening questions and defense results assessment form1Severa, mid -term inspection report report1Letter, graduation thesis mid -term defense results assessment form1Student's work progress table1Documents, Guidance Record1Documents, defense records1、Shandong University undergraduate graduation thesis (design) results assessment form3、Undergraduate graduation thesis (design) instructor review results schedule for the undergraduate thesis of the School of Electrical Engineering1、Bachelor Graduation thesis (design) defense score score of the School of Electrical Institute1Part, paper graduation thesis1Book, Graduation Thesis(Electronic document)1

3, thesis binding requirements

The cover uses the school unified template, prints and uses180gSilver -gray leather paper (uniform distribution of colleges),"Shandong University Graduation Design (thesis) results assessment form" is booked on the title page。UThe school number, name and title should also be written on the disk.


This document is the overall plan of the work arrangement and process management of the undergraduate graduation thesis (design),If you have any adjustment,The subsequent specific notification is subject to。



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