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Hunan University of Technology and his party visited the School of Electrical Engineering for discussions and exchanges
Release time: May 31, 2024 11:01    Author: Gu Zongqi    点击:[]

  May 29,Hunan University of Technology and his party visited the School of Electrical Engineering for discussions and exchanges,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan University of Technology Wang Lihua,Vice Dean of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering Zeng Jinhui、Zhang Yang attended the meeting。Zhu Dejian, Vice President of Shandong University、Li Changgang, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Institute of Electricity System Research Institute of the School of Electrical Engineering、Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of Research Institute of Research Institute, Hao Quanrui、Zhang Li, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Institute of High voltage and Insulation Technology、Deputy Director of the Experimental Center Wei Xiuyan attended the discussion。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Electrical Engineering Wang Haihua chaired the discussion。

  At the symposium,Zhu Dejian extended a warm welcome to Wang Lihua and his party,He introduced the history of the history of Shandong University,and the school construction in the discipline in recent years、Talent Training、Scientific research and other aspects of development effectiveness,and hope that the two universities will strengthen exchanges in the future,Realize mutual promotion and mutual learning。Subsequent,Wang Haihua's development history、Construction results、Future planning and other aspects introduced the basic situation of the college,and hope that the colleges of both parties will strengthen cooperation,Jointly promote the development of disciplines,Improve the level of running school。

  Wang Lihua thanked the college's enthusiastic reception。His teaching and teaching and research on the college、Scientific research、Team Construction、Service development and other aspects gives high evaluation,At the same time, he hopes to take this visit as an opportunity,Strengthening multi -dimensional exchanges and cooperation between the two hospitals,Jointly promote the development of electrical engineering disciplines。

  At the symposium,The two sides around the two provinces of Hunan, Shandong、Higher education and development of electrical engineering have been extensive and in -depth discussions。After the meeting,Wang Lihua and his party visited the college's scientific research laboratory with the accompaniment of Wei Xiuyan,Learn more about the construction of the college's "1+N" scientific research experimental platform and laboratory construction。

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