In order to further strengthen the science and technology education work of our hospital,Cultivate students’ spirit of scientific innovation,School of Electrical EngineeringYuThe tenth was successfully held from mid-April to mid-MayThe 5th "Power Cup" Student Academic Science and Technology Works Competition。With the strong support of Shandong Electric Power and college leaders and teachers,This competition actively innovates on the basis of summarizing previous experiences,Received wide recognition and active participation from teachers and classmates,A total of 26 teams were attracted to participate in each individual competition,After preliminary selection and final defense,Finally3The group of works won the first prize,5group of works won the second prize, and 7 groups of works won the third prize.
Next,Follow our steps to review and get one、Excellent works that won the second prize!
First Prize for Postgraduate Designated Proposition
Swing ball attitude detection device based on MPU6050
This work is approvedThe MPU6050 space motion sensor measured the cycloid length as 1.Three-axis acceleration and yaw angle of a 5-meter pendulum ball,Process accordingly,The real-time motion status and corresponding acceleration of the pendulum ball are displayed by the punctual atomic stm32f103 elite board equipped with a 7-inch TFTLCD screen、Speed、Displacement and frequency。After the pendulum ball comes to rest, the module can be initialized,Acquire initial state through space motion sensor;Artificially pull the swing ball to a random high speed,Release swing ball from rest,After a few seconds, the ball will enter a stable pendulum state,At this time, the corresponding physical quantities of the pendulum ball can be obtained through the display。This work accurately measures the real-time acceleration of the pendulum ball、Speed、Physical quantities such as displacement and frequency, has important practical significance.

First Prize for Undergraduate Free Proposal
MPU6050-based fall detection rescue and heart rate and blood oxygen detection device for the elderly
This work is a multi-functional integrated wearable device for elderly people to detect falls, call for help and detect blood oxygen,The elderly can wear it to the waist,Powered by rechargeable batteries。It can effectively determine whether the human body is in a falling state,And can detect blood oxygen value at any time。When the old man falls,The device’s buzzer beeps,LED light flashing,Alert people around to rescue;The mobile APP will also automatically make calls and send location text messages and other distress information to notify family members。When the device misjudges,The elderly can manually turn off the help system。
At the same time,This device has a blood oxygen detection module,The elderly can put their fingers on the blood oxygen sensor to detect blood oxygen and heart rate values at any time,The results will be shown on the display。This work is good for the health of the elderly、Life safety and alleviating the problems caused by aging are of great significance。

First Prize for Graduate Student Free Proposal
Multi-model and multi-time scale load forecasting software
For load forecasting in unfamiliar areas, we first use several more robust time series methods for forecasting,Select the model with the smallest prediction error as the output application result,Also incorporate this new load data set into the historical database and import multiple machine learning models for training,When facing load forecasting in this area again in the future, we will use multiple machine learning models to forecast simultaneously,Similarly select the model with the smallest prediction error as the output application result。This work provides an excellent learning platform for beginners who are interested in deep learning,And fast and accurate load forecasting results help improve the economic benefits of the whole society。

Second Prize for Postgraduate Designated Proposition
Pendulum ball motion monitoring device combining mathematical physical model and actual measurement
This workCollect the X-axis of pendulum ball motion in real time through MPU6050 chip、Z-axis acceleration Accx and Accz and X、Y、Z-axis attitude angle Pitch、Roll、Yaw;Based on real-time measured data and mathematical and physical modeling,Establish the mapping relationship between the Y-axis attitude angle Roll and the pendulum ball swing angle θ;according to angle θ,Calculate the pendulum ball displacement X through trigonometric function formula;Calculate the tangent velocity Vx of the pendulum ball by integrating the acceleration Accx;Obtain the swing frequency f of the pendulum ball by identifying the poles of the swing angle curve;Visual display of pendulum ball movement data through GUI interface,Details display the numerical value of each indicator and the time change curve。This work uses less measured data to monitor the multi-dimensional motion state of the pendulum ball,And achieves higher accuracy and less calculation,andReal-time display and data recording of pendulum ball movement status, has important practical significance.

Abnormal sound real-time detection and recording system based on Arduino
This work is based on two open source electronic prototyping platforms arduinois the core,Complete spectrum analysis and recording playback functions respectively。Software,at arduinoWrite code on the platform to convert the time domain analog quantity of sound into frequency domain digital quantity,includes A/DConversion part, time domain-frequency domain conversion part (use FFTFast Fourier algorithm for calculation) and abnormal sound recognition part;The code of the recording module is based on TMRpcm library, and due to single arduinohas limited space,The recording function cannot be completed while performing spectrum analysis,So transfer the recording module to another arduinoMiddle, two arduinoInteract via output digital levels。This work can be simple、Conveniently monitor abnormal sounds、Monitor abnormal events,is a very efficient auxiliary monitoring technology,It has important practical significance。

Second Prize for Undergraduate Free Proposal
Multi-mode super knob design based on FOC current closed-loop control
This work is based on domestic ESP in terms of hardware32Module, on softwareDesigned and produced based on PlatformIO platform。Among them,The program source code is divided into three files,respectively main.cpp, motor.cpp,screen.cpp,ain.cppThe main program design is written in the file, motor.cppThe motor driver program for each mode is written in the file,screen.cppThe program design of the display module is written in the file。This work is realizedIntelligent adjustment of continuous systems、Intelligent adjustment of discrete systems、Emergency contact calling and other functions,It is of great significance to improve the home comfort and safety of elderly people living alone。

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Carbon reduction starts with “wind”—refined real-time simulator and host computer software for wind turbines
This work is in wind turbine aerodynamics-Combining leaf element theory and momentum theory in mechanical system design, adoptedBEMThe method is used to model the blade part of the wind turbine, and the machineEach leaf of the group is divided into multiple leaf elements,And solve the lift force at each blade element separately、Resistance,Integrate the blade force along the blade radial direction to obtain the aerodynamic torque of the unit's low-speed shaft。Establish a dynamic model of mechanical dynamics through the second-order motion equation。In open source softwareOpenFAST20793_20808RT-OpenFAST, running onLinuxHost, via importRTOSGuaranteed10msLevel real-time. existWind turbine electrical system design, adoptedABBDirect-drive permanent magnet fan, practical model of doubly-fed fan, based onADCMethod for modeling of converter switches,Based on semi-implicit delayed decoupling method andMATEParallel simulation design of wind turbine generators based onFPGAReal-time simulation implementation of small step size for pipeline parallelism and data parallelism。This work can be realizedHigh-precision multi-physics coupling modeling of wind turbines,Wind turbine pneumatic-Mechanical dynamic real-time simulation,Multi-rate electromagnetic transient real-time simulation and other functions,Accurate reproduction of the power grid company、Analyze and solve the problem of wind turbine grid connection,It is of great significance to help achieve the dual carbon goal。

Permanent magnet transformation and performance analysis of small power three-phase asynchronous motor
This work is modified and trial-produced with a small induction motor,Correction of asynchronous motor into asynchronous starting permanent magnet synchronous motor,That is, cutting pole slots on the squirrel cage rotor bar and installing surface-mounted permanent magnets;PassedAnsysElectromagnetic simulation calculation output performance such as starting torque、Starting current、Phase current、Back electromotive force、Magnetic density distribution、Rated efficiency under rated operating conditions、Rated power factor, etc.;Extract the measured parameters through the measurement of the prototype actually processed by the motor factory,Verify output performance and rated operating performance。Compared to induction motor,Apply this work to the oil pumping unit,Combined the advantages in the above function introduction,Asynchronous starting permanent magnet synchronous motor that can be mass-produced with permanent magnet transformation,Replace traditional low-performance asynchronous motor,Realize energy and money saving in oilfield mining work、High-performance motor that works efficiently。

The successful holding of this "Power Cup" competition,Provide students with opportunities to show their talents、Improve academic abilities、A platform for mutual communication and growth,It gave everyone hands-on practice、Problem-solving ability,It also further improved the academic and scientific innovation atmosphere and scientific and technological innovation level of the college。Next,The "Power Cup" Student Academic Science and Technology Works Competition will continue to improve and improve,I will grow and progress together with my classmates。"Power Cup" looks forward to seeing you again next summer!